Young teenagers can be very endearing when they are happy.
Full of pep and curious about my day at school, my eldest is a good companion. She loves crazy adventures and even shares my love of yummy treats.
As I am typing this, we are sharing a bag of popcorn together.
Sadly, I must say it is almost gone as we are both rather fond of the buttery indulgence!
If you are blessed to encounter a human who could be categorized as a teenager, you know that they are sometimes difficult. However, if we are honest, we probably had our own challenging moments in our youth.
(Although of course, I was absolutely perfect!)
The transition from childhood to adulthood is tricky.
Not really children anymore and not quite adults, it is difficult to always know what to do, how to act or what to say.
I have come to the conclusion that we should approach them in the same manner that you feed squirrels at the park.
Speak softly, offer small treats and watch out for sharp teeth!
If you're bitten, don't blame the animal, it is just their nature.
Withdrawal the offered treat and bring them back into line!
I am just teasing, but you get my meaning.
Squirrels are cute and fuzzy but not to be treated without the respect due a wild creature.
Teenagers are blessings in need of care and discipline.
They can be delightful or dangerous...
I fear they are a little "wild" as well.
Take care,
be kind to wild critters
and may your life bring you simple pleasure.
Perhaps some buttery popcorn and a few minutes to muse about the lighter things in life.
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