I have rejoined the modern era!
With cable, phone and most importantly,
up and running again,
I can let out a contented sigh.
I am happy to report that my family and I made it to our new home and most of our boxes have been unpacked. Only a few things were broken and everyone is settling in nicely.
I look around at this place that is now my home and I smile.
With my children's art work hung, my teacher's licence above my desk and Mary smiling benevolently from peaceful domestic scenes, I feel at home and comfortable.
Fuzzy blankets and candles... bookshelves full of stories...closets full of clothes...
It is strange how our "objects" help us feel secure.
As a creature of habit, I crave familiarity.
Because this is true,
I am surprised that being somewhere new actually makes me feel calm and hopeful.
Looking at the brightly painted walls...
...my gardens anticipating spring...
...rooms waiting for family memories,
I feel like the "do over" I've been given is a positive thing.
I can honestly believe that the adventure in store for me has an excellent chance of being delightful!
Tonight, I wish for you the hopefulness that I feel.
I pray that we will all find a level path as we walk the road before us...
That when we face bumps along the way,
we will always find a loving hand to hold.
May your life be blessed,
Now, Always and Forever!
Wonderful! I was wondering how your move went. I am so glad it went well and that you can now go forward in happiness and anticiaption. You are now the master of your destiny.
That is awesome! I am happy to hear that you have all settled in. Next step is to invite friends over for a cup of coffee, a tour of your new house, and pleasant conversation. Even your kids can bring over friends to show off their new "lair". Nothing like the memory of a pleasant afernoon chatting with good friends to give us a contented sigh.
Thank you all, from your kind words I feel as if I know some of you I've never even met. You are the "angels" in disguise we are taught about as children... the kind strangers who help out with words and deeds just when they are needed. May your days be filled with the sunshine you spread every moment... every day.
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