Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Happy New Year!

This afternoon while I wandered my local Target, it was all I could do to resist the sleeping bags and propane camping stoves that were marked down and on an end cap. Of course, I must admit, I did stop to look. One shelf led me to another. Pretty soon I was happily sighing in the middle of the outdoor section.

Employing ironclad will power, I resolutely started to walk away from the temptation, without any goodies.

Just then...
a marketing executive smiled
and wasn't sure why...

For you see,
my budget conscious thoughts
were about to meet their match.

As I gave myself a mental "pat" for good behavior, the display at the end of the isle begged for my attention. There, shining with all its stainless steel glory, stood the mother of all thermoses. Amid a sea of smaller useful containers, it beckoned to me. Reflecting the light and making me dream of coffee and hot tea for the trail tomorrow, it whispered my name.

Alright, maybe I'm making that part up... or maybe I'm not... Target is a magical place...

As I stood before the display and weighed the pros and cons of spending my money, I reasoned that it would be a sensible idea... a "safe" idea to take something warm on a long winter's hike. Safety is important... right? So, with a smile, I put the happy item in my cart. I am looking forward to my hike tomorrow. The extra weight in my pack will, I think, be entirely worth it.

As the new year begins, I pray that the path you find may be a smooth one. I ask that, if for some reason, you encounter rocks and holes instead of pleasantness, that you are given rock jumping abilities or sturdy boots to keep your feet safe!

Though my words are light hearted and a bit silly, it is with a sincere heart that I offer best wishes to you.

This day, tomorrow, forever... I wish you only good things! May you be blessed.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

Every winter, for more than a decade, I have eagerly awaited the seed catalogues. Years ago, when I first lived in these townhouse apartments, I would amuse myself with tall sunflowers or unusual zinnia seeds. I did not look long at the perennials, I knew that one day, I would have a house and then... then I would plant things for the long term.

Very early last spring, after my divorce, I decided to return to the same community I had lived in before. The rent has always been reasonable and the management company a good one. Leaky toilets are fixed, gates do not squeak for long. It is a good place.

When my kids and I headed to our new house, our friends and family helped us move. Before our actual "moving day", my little brother helped me carry load after load of garden pavers, dirt and perennial plants to our new residence. Last summer my transplanted raspberries produced heavily and I planted a grapevine on my fence. This fall I planted a hundred spring bulbs randomly throughout our front yard.

All of this I could do without being too disturbed. After all, the raspberries were already part of my old garden, the grapevine was a whim and the bulbs... the bulbs were just for fun. Then the catalogues came. When I look at them, I ponder my future. With each berry bush I contemplate, each perennial I muse about planting, I am admitting that this place, is now really my home. I am acknowledging that I plan to be here for a long time. It may be the gray of winter settling in, but the thought makes me pause a little.

But then... then I see the sets of strawberries and they make me go... hmmm.... I ponder the idea of planting more grapevines and I plot exactly where my new zinnia garden is going to go. Yes, I need another garden. I was highly unhappy with the zinnias sharing space with the other annuals last summer. I crave that wonderful sea of color that blooms for months. So build I will.... I guess it really is... home sweet home...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wandering together

Then again... maybe I won't...

Today my girls and I went to Chestnut Ridge Metro Park for a stroll up the ridge and through the forest. As we walked, My oldest and I mused that it was sad that our eyes could see the world with such acuity while my camera could not even hope to capture the delicate masterpiece.

While my girls enjoyed the trek, by the end of the trail they were both convinced they were, "freezing". I chuckled and shook my head. We'd been out less than an hour.
My older daughter agreed with my thought that perhaps, just maybe, she would rather stay at her sleepover than leave early the next day to accompany me on my scheduled New Year's Day three hour hike. We both concurred that it was much better to have come to this conclusion today than on Friday thirty minutes into the adventure. =)

I bought socks...

Much to my oldest child's bemusement and consternation, I used the balance on our Kohl's gift card to buy socks. My Anna, shook her head in disbelief that instead of earrings or, "something good", I would make such a choice. It was in her mind, clearly shopping blasphemy. Socks are one of those things that should apparently just appear as it is such a terrible waste to actually purchase them.

I chuckled at her attitude. She'll be happy tonight when we walk the dog. Everyone will be donning a pair of the, "to the calf", cozy socks that will assure warm feet. Drafts up the pant leg will not be freezing my kiddos tonight!

Don't tell my dear one... but I must confess... I do agree with her theory that socks really should, "just appear"... Just the same, I love warm feet, so I am more than willing to forgo "pretties" to be comfortable when we play outdoors.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Beauty beneath our feet...

Most of the time if you dig in the ground, you find worms, decaying plant material and perhaps some rocks. However, every once in a while, something honestly amazing is found.

In West Liberty Ohio, a long time ago, a teenage farm hand wondered why the water that collected in a particular part of the forest seemed to disappear so rapidly. It assuage his curiousity, he dug a hole and found a cavern full of breathtaking crystal formations and a whole lot of mud. He told his boss and soon people from miles around were crawling on their bellies to gaze at a wonder never before seen by human eyes.

Later... years later... workers dug through the mud for a pitance ( I won't ruin the story.) and made the cavern passable to those of us who'd love to see the treasure standing up without the muck...

You simply must try to make the trip. It is worth every penny. Go to their website ( ) and check out this wonderful place for yourself.

A winter's walk...

After a stop at Young's Dairy ( for a juicy cheeseburger with bacon that made my tummy growl just looking at it, our group headed to Clifton Gorge and John Bryan State Park ( outside of Yellow Springs for a hike.

I've been there in summer and now in winter and I must say that it is, without a doubt, one of the treasures of our state. If you go this blustery season, please wear appropriate footwear and take care; the very things that make the park so lovely, also could make it dangerous on slippery days.
If you happen to have a dear one who shares your life, I can think of few lovelier places for a stroll hand in hand. If you are walking solo, enjoy the hike with a good friend.

Either way, you may want to consider a stop at the Clifton Mills for breakfast or lunch (, it is within hiking distance of both John Bryan State Park and adjacent Clifton Gorge Nature Preserve (

A collective gasp went through the crowd...

lights danced... music swelled... snow swirled...

It is was a chilly but satisfying end to a day full of quiet and joyful memories. Simple adventures lie all around us, just waiting to be discovered. New people to meet... Places to go... Our world is a lovely place to explore.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A day together...

Today was a lovely day. I crawled out of bed around nine and felt completely spoiled. My two younger children were happily watching my oldest play Nintendo; they had figured dear old mom needed her beauty sleep and hadn't even made a peep in my direction. After a shower, I scooted downstairs and with my kiddos help, finished tiding up from Christmas.

Around eleven, the dear girls and I headed out for and adventure and my guy stayed for a relaxing afternoon with his aide. Before I left, I made him a plate of leftovers and gave him a glass of my Diet Pepsi. He had a smile on my face as I closed the door.

From home it was a happy hop to fetch Coffee at Tim Horton's and then it was only a bitty drive to use a Kohl's card to choose some earrings. My older daughter was delighted and my younger one looked at us patiently, her time would come later. After a stop for a new haircut it was off to lunch at CiCi's Pizza! My children love the place. One of my aunts gave us gift certificates yesterday which we happily put to use today.

Afterwards we stopped at Target and picked up a few needed items and some fun things too! My older daughter purchased a highlighting kit for her hair and I bought my younger one a pack of Pokemon cards. Both left the store with delighted grins.

We were not in the car before my Katie had her cards open and we weren't out of the parking lot before my Anna was reading the back of the highlighting box. I smiled and looked at our package of earrings.

The rest of our afternoon... was just as delightful... I wish I could show you the picture of my oldest child with a highlighting cap on her head.... but, I fear she'd take a while to speak to me and I really like the kid... Tomorrow promises to be equally full of blessings and excitement. I would love to continue my tale, but I am just so sleepy... Suffice it to say, it was a good day.

Peace and Joy to you,
this day and always.
May you be blessed.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Laughing outloud...

Perhaps I have trained my children too well...
This evening my oldest child kept asking where we were going walking. My middle child heard the question and entered into the conversation. My youngest? He couldn't add words to the mix, but he was walking around with his boots and a hoodie on, so I think he wanted to head out as well.

As the afternoon turned to early evening, my oldest started to fret, she was worried that we wouldn't be able to go. I assured her that the parks were open until eight and that we could walk the dog in the dark at Blendon as we're there all the time and wouldn't get lost. Happily everyone donned outer wear and we opened the front door.

Outdoors in was damp...
It was more than a little wet...
There was quite a bit of moisture coming down from the evening sky...

Some call it, "rain"...
We called it...
"Christmas Craziness"

My crew and I decided we didn't care that it was raining.
We all had boots, hats, gloves and warm coats and with a lot of laughter,
my kids "rolled" with the weather and off we went.

At the park,
not surprisingly,
we were the only ones in the lot by the pooch path.

I grabbed my pack,
passed a flashlight to my oldest and held out my hands to my younger two kiddos.

Soon our eyes became accustomed to the dark and with the city light pollution,
it seemed to us, that it really wasn't, "that dark".

We sang Christmas songs loudly and my heart felt light.
How I love my children.
I know very few people who would see silly fun in what we did.

Walking the dog,
on Christmas night,
in the dark,
in the rain,
singing loudly,
laughing merrily...

Back at the car,
we still had more than twenty minutes before the park closed.
The Ranger's truck passed us as we were leaving and we mused that he probably thought we were very loony. We didn't mind, we knew what we had done was downright goofy.

Of course there was hot chocolate from Speedway on the way home. Christmas music on the radio and a wonderful memory tucked in my heart.

I am grateful for the children I have been given.
For who they are...
for the fun we have together...
being silly...
seizing the moment...
making the best...
savoring the day we have been given...

It is safe to say...
I love my children!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

May you be blessed...

Tonight, after we made it home, I put out my lighted nativity. It once belonged to my Grandma Jones, a dear woman I miss dearly. With the lights on the porch turned off and the soft glow lighting up the darkness I smiled. On this most holy of nights when we celebrate a miracle, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of adventure and blessings. Now and Always, I pray you have peace in your heart and the assurance of God's never failing love to keep you warm.

life goes on...

Everyday there are moments when the day to day wears on us, when our efforts at cheerfulness give way and we are tempted to snap at others. This very afternoon as I made a final effort to tidy up for the coming holiday, I became very frustrated. My son had made a horrible mess in the bathroom and it was going to take me a while to clean it up. My younger daughter had not understood the "taking out the trash" request and had just carried an open bag of trash outside and left it there, my eldest child was inquiring when we could leave for an adventure...

It was the open trash that set me off, as the reason for last week's terrible backyard mess became clear with a few choice questions. I started to yell.

While I know in my heart I am blessed and I certainly attest to this fact, I must confess that I am weary at times. Like so many, I find this time of year a challenge. I look to my left... then to my right... I see families together doing simple things and I am tempted to have a unpleasant conversation with God. How I long to stomp my feet like the five year olds I teach and complain bitterly.

Though we ask children to trust us and do their best, I find it hard to trust God and keep my chin up. Then I go for a walk, make cookies or talk to my friends and I realize that no matter who we are, we all have issues to face.

I have been given so very many blessings and so many wonderful things have happened this year. I've made new friends, tried new things like rappelling and kayaking and have completely fallen in love with hiking.
Life is good. So, it is that I find myself grateful this evening and full of hope. I know that no matter what I find on the path of life, God will not leave me. I have been given earthly friends and family for my journey as well... I am blessed.

I pray that you can count your blessings and come to my same conclusion. You are loved, you are blessed... you are a blessing...

Merry Christmas my friends...

A new night.. a new adventure...

Last night our wandering took us to Sharon Woods, a pocket of green tucked next to a busy Interstate. There are trees, snow and even the requisite squirrels and birds aplenty. However, depending on the trail you choose and the hour of your hike, there are also the sounds of rush hour traffic.
Our family was here last summer for a tram ride and enjoyed the adventure thoroughly. Riding through meadow and forest, we saw the prettier and quieter parts of the park. (Sharon Woods even has a lake where children can fish.) Because of its location, in the heart of densely populated community, it is close to many people who use its trails for daily exercise. It is a busy and well loved Metro Park.
My dissatisfaction with the hike last night had more to do with the season and the snow than the actual assets the park has to offer. With the ground obscured by that cold white moisture, it is sometimes hard to find the entrances to "unimproved" trails. Because of this, our nightly excursions occasionally end up more "civilized" than I'd sincerely prefer. I crave green, quiet paths surrounded by trees. Mud, steep paths and unusual critters are a bonus.
Last night's trail, "did the trick", we had a walk. Just like boxed mac and cheese and ugly mittens, it was adequate. I think though, I have become spoiled. The Highbanks, Conkles Hollows and John Bryan parks of the world are like a double layer of cozy gloves and bubbly homemade macaroni and sharp Cheddar cheese. Yes... I am spoiled.
I guess though, if we all preferred the wilder trails, out in the boonies... they'd be crowded too!

my older daughter played with her brother all evening

Though he is technically nonverbal, the two communicated and giggled together. Anna had him dancing, hopping and following her every move! Let's hear it for good siblings.

Nightfall is still lovely... no matter where you are...

A snow covered field, the sun setting in the background.. even a "trail snob" like myself had to stop and sigh at the sight. Give me boots and good company, there is little better that can be had so very easily.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter daydreams...

The first catalogue arrived...
thinks like I do...

Out again....

This evening we went to the store and I helped each child select boots. I can barely express how happy I was with the purchase as now our family can walk together without anyone getting wet feet.

In the parking lot...

In the parking lot as my children got into the car, I instructed them to "trade" me. With a laugh or two at the silliness of the request, my children complied. Shoes came off, boots went on and then we were ready for our adventure.

It was dusk...

Though just barely five o'clock, it was nearly dark when we pulled into the parking lot at Three Creeks Metro Park. We took the Bluebell trail down by the confluence as the darkness crept in. Together we tramped through the woods, admiring the water birds and the frosting of snow. We saw dog prints and people prints and smiled. We knew we had not been the only ones to wander the woods today.

After about twenty minutes, we turned around and headed back, happily retracing our steps. Questions of what was for dinner began to be entertained and I shared my ideas on the subject as I spied the path to the parking lot at the top of the upcoming hill. Just then, as we marched through daylight's last moments, a deer bounded across our path. We smiled. We saw a four point buck last night at Blendon Woods. What a treat to see a beautiful doe this evening.

If you crave your own walk down by the water,
you may want to check out
Three Creeks is a nice place to visit.
Day or evening...
summer or winter...

No matter where your adventure takes you...
even if my winter exploits make you shiver
and you firmly believe you'd rather stay at home...
Today and always,
I wish you only the very best...

Monday, December 21, 2009

It is hard not to look back...

the past calls to us...

Good memories as well as the hard ones,
can pull our focus off the reality of our "Now"
and the possibilities of our future...
Reflection can be helpful
and yet...
we are called to keep walking...

Each day we are blessed...

A buck that bounds across the path in front of us...

The dog that behaves like a sled dog pulling his human sister through the snow...

Even the snow crunching underfoot...

We are surrounded by reasons to affirm life's goodness.

I lift my eyes to the sky

Like so many others,
who wander the path of life...

and wonder about the journey...
I seek


and so as this year comes to a close...

I pray...
for strength...
to walk forward...

at least a bit wiser for my year's journey...

Grateful for the blessings I have been given...

so very glad...

For the companions on my journey...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Get out and play!

Check it out with your family! It is an amazing place to explore the coming winter! If you are not in the Columbus Ohio area, bundle up and find a park near you!

naughty ankles...

Climbing out of the car, I grabbed my pack and added a few extra bottles of water and my new metal flashlight. I told the kiddos to put up their hoddies and locked the doors. Turning around, a patch of peach in a place it should not have been caught my eyes. Looking at my younger daughter's ankles I gasped in outrage. My younger daughter... WAS NOT WEARING SOCKS!

I had seen her bare ankles in our living room and had instructed her to get her feet covered properly. In fact, I told her twice. Standing in the snow I shook my head and told her I hoped she didn't freeze. We weren't honestly going to be out for more than an hour... but... sigh... Socks... What was she thinking?

Generally I have an extra pair in my pack but I had not repacked them when I borrowed them on my last weekend outing. Guess the Girl Scout in me just wasn't prepared. =-) Next time I'm checking feet before I leave my driveway.

Happy sights...

A snowman...
A love message written in snow...
We saw both today...
I guess, there were many people with happiness in their hearts...
How nice to follow in their wake...

Smiling... just for mom...

My eldest child does not like to smile in photos. Today though, completely for my happiness, she grinned as I snapped the camera. My pictures turned out so much nicer. For some reason, I like photos where my dear ones actually look happy to be spending time together.... go figure... =-)

Even in winter... the outing ends at Speedway!

Go ahead and chuckle... I did... My kids all but cheered when I turned into the driveway at Speedway. No matter what the season, the temperature or the time of day... our adventures are not ended properly until we stop for a drink. Today was no exception. Little traditions... small happiness... it really doesn't take much to my children happy.

Breakfast with Mom and Dad...

On the weekends my children are with their father, I very often share breakfast with my parents. Yesterday was one such happy day. It doesn't matter to me where we go, I am just glad to be in their company. Good conversation and companionship are all that truly matters. (Though I must confess that I like my coffee cup filled and I sincerely like fruit and yogurt parfaits.)

On this last Sunday in Advent, as we think about the coming celebration of our the birth of our Saviour, I give thanks for the ones who were entrusted with my care. Like the candles we have in advent and the song so many of us were taught in Sunday school... they were and are "Lights" in this world.

Day in and day out, through the good and the bad, my parents' kindness and love have shone to so many, including myself. Today, I ask you to consider those who have "shone" in your own life. May we all, be lights as well.


I wish you only the best.
May you be blessed.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

an unusual day...

This morning I got up and headed out to find donuts. Before ordering, I called my father to see what kind he and my mom would like. It turned out that they were headed out to breakfast and invited me to come. With a happy "yes", I changed my plans and my donut order. I dropped donuts off at three stops instead of four and met, " my favorite parents in the whole wide world" (insert grin here... they are of course my only parents).

After breakfast, I headed up to Highbanks Metro park in search of a hike. I had checked my meetup groups and no one was hiking. I packed my pack and determined that the trails at Highbanks looked interesting and I would head out solo. I have cell coverage in that neck of the woods and I figured I couldn't be the only person in Columbus who thought the day looked lovely.

Pulling into the parking lot, I opened my trunk and began hunting for my hat. I had a hoodie on under my coat, two pairs of gloves and socks and a scarf but it was a bit blustery and I was worried that without a hat I could become a little cold. So, I stood with my back to the parking lot and was digging in a school bag for my hat. I knew it was in there but there were so many "extra" things I was having a problem finding it. I was talking to myself... yup... I admit it... when up from behind me I heard a voice teasing me about my conversation.

I turned to see an old acquaintance. We said hello and I thought... huh... wonder why he is here. I put my hat on and headed into the nature center to get some trail advice and immediately ran (almost literally) into everyone I was hiking with last weekend.

It turns out that many of the members of my main meetup also belong to another outdoor group. I was invited along as a guest and we headed out. Up and down the trails we went. Enjoying the snow and the company. They are sincerely nice people.

Three and a half hours later, I found myself sitting around a table at an Asian buffet and trying frog legs and mussels. (Just an aside... the frog legs were delicious, the mussels in bean sauce... tasted like the mud from whence they came...yuck... If you haven't tried either, give them both a try and see what you think!)

What an unusual day... my solo hike... wasn't solo... Highbanks is beautiful though and I wasn't disappointed by the trails. I'll be back often this winter, I have a feeling it will become one of my favorite local parks.


May your adventures bring you blessings.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy things

Hot cocoa on the stove top...
makes me smile...

Pinatas in the classroom...

Christmas lights that twinkle when I walk my dog...

Cookies to munch with my coffee...
Cards to read and to send...

Happy things...
Good things...

May your day...
your tomorrow...
your always...
bring you some of the little blessings...
that sustain our joy each day...

Pajama Day!

Today is Pajama Day!
There will be games.
There will be treats.
I've heard a rumor that there may be...
There just might be...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy thoughts to you...

it has been...
a busy week...

May your night...
your tomorrow...
your forever...
bring you blessings...

I am hoping after the holiday party...
after all the excitement...
to find a quiet trail...
and hike until my mind is quiet...

Only the best wishes for you and yours...

Monday, December 14, 2009

My family!

At my hike this past weekend, one of the women asked if I had pictures of my children. I checked my cell and realized that because I had saved most of my photos to my "card" instead of my "cell" I could only find a silly picture of my oldest pretending to be a zombie. I was sad and shocked. Tonight, I took care of that problem and saved four photos to my phone. I'll be ready next time and I'll be able to happily share my kiddos with new acquaintances.