Thursday, March 25, 2010


We sat just for a moment in tall wrought iron chairs musing about a tomorrow when we would sit peacefully...
me with my "girly" coffee...
watching the sunrise...
watching the sunset...

I sit typing... thinking about the concept of tomorrow... How often we look forward to tomorrow... To Fridays... To vacations... to something other than the tiresome and sometimes troublesome normality of our day to day...

Yet, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Each moment is a gift...

So, while I, like so many others, look forward to a chance for rest... or dread some task at hand... I affirm the blessing of this moment... the gift of today... even when we walk through shadows... yes even then... even when it rains... This world is beautiful... we are loved... God is good.


I pray that our Creator, will guide you and I, His children. That we will be blessed with faith for our adventure and an honest appreciation for the wonderful people and circumstances in our lives.

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