Monday, May 31, 2010

Wow! We saw snakes!

Yesterday, while at Dawe's Arboretum in Newark, (, my husband and I, our children and my parents were treated to some amazing sights while touring the Cypress Swamp.

We had been looking forward to seeing tadpoles and I sat down on the raised boardwalk and peered into the water with our children. Our older daughter pointed out a salamander and I squealed in delight. I haven't seen a salamander in the wild since I was a child. (I must admit, I laid down on the walkway to get a better look.)

Moments later my husband, who was pushing my mother's wheelchair, spied the little snake on the log in the picture above. I popped up and went running to look. I haven't seen a snake since our oldest was a bitty toddler picking blackberries with me. I grinned at the creature and scurried back to the car for my cell phone so I could take a picture. If all of this wasn't enough, my father spotted a snake swimming that was at least two feet long!

About this time another family arrived with their adult son who had a lot in common with our two younger children. I pointed out the critters to him and he was equally delighted. What a treat. What an amazing ecosystem! Without Dawe's such a swamp wouldn't exist here in Ohio. Dawe's is a wondrous place. Please consider a trip. Admittance to the arboretum is completely free and the staff is friendly and helpful. There are places for picnics and public bathrooms. Upcoming events include a Bonsai show on June 12th and 13th and many summer educational programs.

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