Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy together...

This afternoon, our family went to Slate Run Living Historical Farm near Canal Winchester, Ohio. Together we meandered up the dusty path, admiring chickens and the large healthy garden.

As we approached the farm house, we were greeted by a sign inviting our family to come around back and sample vintage drinks from the past. A kind woman in 1800's garb, explained each beverage to us and offered us each a taste of whatever we would like to try. We all sampled the strawberry water and decreed it to be very tasty.

Our son spied the large hammock tied nearby and we inquired if he could swing. An affirmative answer and a nod from dear old mom, was all it took to make him climb aboard. After a satisfying break from walking, our son and younger daughter helped me water the crops in the garden!

Yes, you too can help out at this working historical farm! Using a hand pump, we raised the water and moseyed out into the field to water some beans. Nearby, in the shade our oldest and my husband chatted. (My husband tore a muscle at work and our older daughter was keeping him company while he rested his leg.)

After playing at farming, we went up the trail to pet the animals at the barn. I think we were most delighted by the small calf born just a few weeks ago. He was sweet and happily let us pet him! Of course there were the normal barnyard menagerie to admire as well. A worker even brought a horse out of its stall for visitors to meet.

If you are looking for a delightful, and free, experience for your family head on over to: and discover for yourself why a trip should be in your immediate future.

This day and always,
I wish you well...
I pray you are given what you need...
I ask that you are blessed!

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