Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Surprises!

After work,
when I was digging in my change about to satisfy my late afternoon desire for a cup of coffee,
I found something really neat!
A shiny penny caught my eye.

It was flipped to the back side
and I did a double take when I realized
that I didn't recognize the picture it bore.
Happily I picked it up and tucked it in my pocket. I couldn't resist showing it to the clerks in the store, my parents when I picked my youngest daughter up and my son's aide when I made it home. Of course my kids were impressed too and I can't wait to show my Kindergarten students tomorrow!

there will be four new designs this year in honor of President Lincoln's birth.

I love our Mint. It is so much fun to collect coins. I love the thrill of finding one in your change on gray days.

It really makes the day seem like more fun.

And... it's not just me... everyone seems to like them.

If you haven't seen one,
go to your bank and ask for one.

I am betting you'll smile.

Simple joys...
happiness for us all...
even when it's gray.

Thank you for sharing this day with me.
May you be filled with happiness that does not rely on the light from the unpredictable spring sun.

May you be blessed with peace in your heart.


Walker Zed said...

I, too, love the artwork represented on coins. I have also felt the joy of "discovering" a new tiny sculpture in my pocket change. I often will share the new coin with my daughter, who will invariably ask me if she could have it to put with ther other "special coins" in a small wooden box she keeps for just that purpose!

an adventurer on the road of life said...

It is always nice to have small people who share the fun things in life. How nice that your daughter enjoys one of your interests!