Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How was your day.... otherwise?

I think that often in life we can either cry or laugh. Sometimes the trauma is just too great and the choice of our expression is taken from us.
Other times, it is sometimes more cathartic to roll our eyes heavenward, shake our head and save the tears until later.
Today was one of those days for me.
A normal busy day...
I was tired on the way home as I counted the change out for a cup of coffee.
I turned on my easy listening radio station
and took the first sip of my chocolate cream infused coffee.
As I turned up the dial on my radio and began to sing loudly, I grinned.
I absolutely love happy music. It is a wonderful lift at the end of a pleasant but tiring day.
As I headed up the road toward home,
my cell rang.
I missed the call and when I glanced at the number it wasn't one I immediately recognized.
In was about 4:20.
I stopped to pick up my youngest from my parents' house and headed toward home,
expecting to be greeted by my son and his aide.
I wasn't.
The house was dark and I could tell they hadn't been there all day.
Knowing they were on an outing this morning
but were due to be back by noon,
I was concerned.
I started dialing...
I found out most of what happened.
My son made it home.
I even made it to my staff meeting and back.
I called my sis to ask for help with tomorrow's babysitting situation and thanked God yet again for family.
The picture at the top of my post
made me think of how often it is only by looking up...
by counting my blessings...
that I am able to keep walking...
keep smiling...
Life is such a blessing.
Such a gift...
It is not always easy to remember.
I pray that it the midst of life's chaos,
you find an oasis.
A refuge.
May your life be filled with beauty...
and humor to carry you through the rough spots.
May you be blessed.

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