Does it simply mean that we should not do objectionable things?
How do we decide what exactly is objectionable?
There is so much disagreement among those calling themselves Christians.
If we ask ourselves WWJD? (what would Jesus do)
How do we know if we are right?
Does Jesus care what kind of cereal we eat for breakfast?
...And don't forget Jesus was considered a rule breaker by so many.
Beyond just behavior...
How do know what to do in a given situation?
What does "Letting go and Letting God" really mean?
Clearly we were given minds to think...
Where is logic in all of this?
I shake my head and am glad for God's mercy when I think that with my trouble following map quest and other forms of direction...
It should honestly be no surprise...
that I have so many questions about following God's way.
since St. Michael hasn't shown up to let me know what to do,
I will walk my path today.
I will try to do what I know is right.
I will try to trust God.
just maybe..
I'm not supposed to hold the map.
I really like to know where I'm going!
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