Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Visiting the moon

Today was "Moon Day"!
Of course we had to make "moon" pizza.
Don't try,
like my kids did,
to tell me that the recipe
really contains things
like Ritz Crackers and Spaghetti sauce!
anyone should know,
that moon pizza is made with things like,
star dust and planet shapes!
I know it is silly.
My kiddos love it.
The treats were so very yummy too!
Just for kicks,
while our convection oven quickly melted everything,
we sang the "Moon National Anthem".
Sung to the tune of our actual national anthem,
it was a,
"repeat after me as I make it up on the spot",
kind of song.
(We even had had motions and a bit of dancing)
Go ahead...
laugh a little...
we did.

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