Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best children ever!

Everyday I try to think positive thoughts.
Though there are days that tax my efforts to keep my spirits uplifted,
most days
I succeed in finding happiness
in the blessings that surround me.

Today was a lovely day.


it rained and my students could not go out to play.

They are good kids
and we got our work done.


by the end of the day,

I was tired...

I'm not entirely sure they were!

(I'm smiling as I type this... I assure you the world is a good place.)

When I made it home,

I was so glad to know,

without a shadow of a doubt,

that my kids would be satisfied with pasta for dinner.

All die hard Italians may want to cover your eyes and stop reading...

I may make you cry.

You see,

I cook the pasta,

drain it,

and toss the sauce in the same pan.

One pan,

bread and butter,

a veggie.

Dinner is done.

(I sometimes even cook the veggie in a plastic bag in the microwave.)


I am so very glad I do not have picky children.

What a blessing.

May your evening be peaceful.

May those around you be easily pleased.

May you be blessed!

(perhaps with spaghetti!)


Anonymous said...

You always manage to find a positive about everything. Even spagetti. You are the eternal optimist and you always seem so cheerful. How is your garden doing by the way? Have any of your seeds started to sprout?

an adventurer on the road of life said...

Some of my sunflowers are about five inches tall! I have zinnias that are about two inches tall and my perenials are coming along nicely.

I won't have a lot of room for a big patch of zinnias this year but I do have two porch boxes full of mini ones and there are at least twenty different sunflowers growing.

My garden is a lot different than it used to be however, I know the flowers will be lovely and I will get used to the changes.

Maybe next year I can add another bed just for zinnias.
Your garden looks lovely! I really like how it is tucked all around your home.