Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Books...books and more books...

With a week and a day left in "real school",
my co-teacher and I are packing up for the summer.
Though we will continue to work,
it will be "camp" time.
A magical mixture of field trips,
playground activities
and happy mischief.
Leaving curriculum materials around,
is just begging for trouble.
There is really no sense complaining that the "big kids"
lost all our phonics game pieces
when it would be more sensible
just to take everything home until the fall.
load after load,
crate after crate...
My books and materials are finding their way,
back into my cupboards,
onto my bookcases,
filling boxes in my closets once again.
I chuckle at the seemingly endless flow.
I sigh and smile.
One of my dearest friends,
a teacher for more than twenty five years
packs up the last few weeks
in just the manner I am.
Bit by bit the room grows plainer.
It is a signal to the children,
a way of transitioning them into the future that is beckoning.
Somewhat hesitant,
they need that "push".
The signal that it is finished,
that they are moving on.
I am so proud of my students.
Together we have learned so much.
I feel a sense of deep satisfaction...
mixed with a bit of sadness.
Some of my students will say goodbye,
going on to other places.
Other's will stay with me for summer camp
and I'll see them in after school care next year.
Our roles are changing,
they will no longer be my Kindergarten kiddos.
I will get a new class to teach and care for.
They will become someone else's dear ones.
They will look back fondly,
I will not be their "Ms. Susan" anymore.
They will be the "big kids"
and will look with amusement on my, "babies".
I know it is true.
I have seen it happen many times before.
Life is not stagnant,
relationships change.
This is not a terrible thing.
May you feel blessed by those who come to know you,
if even for a brief time.
When the day comes,
that those in your care must leave you,
I pray that the memory of what you have shared,
stays with you forever.
Today, Tomorrow and Forever,
May you be blessed with happiness, peace and joy.

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