Friday, May 8, 2009

A lovely treat...

as I type,
I can begin to smell a lovely aroma,
creeping up my stairs.
What is the hint of heaven that I am starting to detect?
It is the happy result of school errands.
You see,
I am "Mother Goose"
in our Kindergarten's rendition of the "Three Little Pigs".
The story is told,
as if the wolf and pigs,
are kids on a playground,
trying to learn how to be kind to each other.
I can't wait to see all the students of "Fairy Tale Elementary School" act out their parts!
I went to Target to buy feathers and flippers!
It was while on this"goosey" errand
that I once again wandered down the coffee maker isle in reverent silence.
While daydreaming,
a sale sign caught my eye.
A programmable coffee maker...
one that could have coffee ready for me when I wake up...
Was on sale....
For more than ten dollars off...
If I purchased my desire,
I would even be given a ten dollar Target Gift Card!
How could I pass up such an offer?
With a smile and a happy noise,
I scooped up a box and headed,
with my intended purchases,
towards the checkout counter!
I pause to sniff,
and can't wait to head back downstairs.
When tomorrow dawns,
and my children announce it's arrival.
I will grab my robe and slippers
and head
just a little bit quicker to my kitchen.
May the gift of a new day bring blessings to us all.
May the little ones entrusted to my care,
smile and say their lines with pride.
May their parents snap pictures
and have their hearts warmed.
May you and I,
find a smile as well.
May we all be blessed,
with peace,
with love,
with wisdom
and contentment.

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