Sporting a snowman tattoo,
a Ducktape brand "quacker" around my neck,
slippers on my feet
and pj's that all my campers signed!
We played outside...
caught another toad...
and made memory t-shirts together.
We also,
read bedtime stories,
served mac and cheese for lunch
and played with water balloons.
During cookie making time,
three kiddos decided to play a little rough,
one got slightly wounded... then angry...
one was very worried...
the other?
he just wanted to add his two cents...
After everyone told their point of view,
it all boiled down to three boys getting a little too excited.
Apologies were traded
and an incident report for the small scrape written up...
life went on.
a dear one said her tummy hurt.
I checked her temperature and it was normal.
Since she hadn't been herself all morning,
I told her I was going to call her parents
and just let them know she was a bit under the weather.
After explaining the situation to her father,
I handed the phone to the dear one to speak to her dad.
I guess I made the correct decision,
because soon it was evident
that the little one was indeed sick.
Before I left,
I tucked the bitty one up on a cot
and placed her in the care of my co-teachers.
I hope she feels better soon.
Camp is full of so many exciting events.
I'd hate to see her miss the fun.
Driving home I pondered my day.
I thought about the two presenters I had lined up for my Kindergarten class in the fall. The future Kindergarten parent I had spoken to and the meringue cookies that half the kiddos thought were icky. I smiled at the thought of our local naturalist coming to teach my kids about animal migration in November and of our amazing Gahanna librarian's September visit. Then I happily grinned about how good it felt to not be a "newbie".
Though I still have so much to learn...
and many years to grow professionally,
I don't think there is any doubt how I feel!
I am so excited
for Kindergarten to begin!
I really love Summer Camp!
Today and always,
I pray that there is something in your life that will make you smile.
I wish you happiness,
and maybe
a honking duck quacker!
(which of course, for just a dollar, can be yours at the Ohio State Fair!)
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