I saw some young men
with canvas bags slung over their shoulders
passing handfuls of something
to each person who was leaving.
It took me a moment to register what was being shared.
When my mind identified the wax paper covered shape,
I let out a happy squeal
and gratefully accepted my generous portion.
Every year I pass by the Salt Water Taffy booth
and every year I look at the price of around seven dollars a pound
and I decide that I really don't need any.
Lately I've been musing what they would say
if I asked to buy only a couple of pieces
of the more interesting flavors.
today when I passed the display,
I was so happily wrapped up in enjoying my roast corn
that I didn't even think to ask.
you can imagine my delight
when the morsels of heaven
were being offered just for fun
as I left the fair.
Often there will be samples
of some interesting new product
being offered at the gate.
never even once
in my decades of attending the fair...
have I ever been treated to Salt Water Taffy!
What a wonderful surprise!
I think I had five or six pieces given to me.
I must confess,
I think I've eaten four of them.
I don't know whether to say,
or just,
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