I got a message
from someone who enjoys my blog.
It made me pause
and contemplate once again
how I feel about all of you.
I have a "statcounter" that lets me know
how many people visit my site
and the city and country they are from.
Because of this,
I know when a wonderful blogger
from Canada reads my site
and when a dear college friend
catches up on my mischief.
most of the stats,
I am unable to put a face to.
Despite the fact
that I do not know most of your names,
I feel a deep kinship with you.
You see,
I know that like me,
you are walking this road we call, "life".
And I'm counting on the fact
that you are puzzled at times,
just as I am.
I am glad you are here
as I try to make sense of it all.
Your very presence
helps me try to remember what I know is true
and to let go of the "nonsense"
that just feels true in the moments of crisis,
or loneliness.
So tonight,
I just want to thank you.
You are a sincere blessing to me.
May your tonight,
your tomorrow,
your always...
be a blessed and beautiful adventure.
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