Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wandering toward the car... the question isn't if... it's when we'll come again.

My daughters are 12 and 14.
Sometimes they like to fuss just for fun.
This picture shows the stairs
at the base of the Ridge Trail
in the lovely Conkle's Hollow Nature Preserve.
When we first arrived and were headed up the steps,
both girls were making disgruntled noises.
Along the path,
my oldest commented on the tree roots that were plentiful.
Both dear ones fussed plenty about each other.
When it was all over,
I wasn't quite sure they'd had a good time.
In the car,
headed back toward the city,
my girls were happy and talkative.
They chatted with me
and when I asked if they'd liked the hike,
my oldest said, "of course".
When I inquired further and questioned her about the fussing,
she laughed and said, "Mom, I'm fourteen, I fuss".
I chuckled.
She had me there.
I shook my head and just sighed.
I may,
just may make it out of my children's' teenage years
with at least partial sanity.
I pray that you are having a good weekend and that any fussing you find is of the variety my silly girls kick my way.

To plan your own visit to Conkle's Hollow visit

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