sometimes they don't "understand" the underlying meaning behind my words. Yet, even my little son understands most of the words I direct his way.
At School my small charges and I have many conversations. Sometimes I deliberately use words they may not know. By using the unknown word in a context that is familiar to them, the meaning can come alive for them.
I love to communicate. (Yeah, that's a nice way to say I like to talk.) As I have thought about my goals the past year or so, I have come to a few places I'd like to start learning and growing. One of these areas is communication. I have a great desire to learn to speak Spanish conversationally. For my own personal growth and my professional future, I'm going to start a new adventure. I'll keep you posted how it goes.
Anything worth having is worth the work it takes to obtain it. Foreign languages do not come easily to me. I know that the goal I have set is a challenging one.
Perhaps you have something you'd like to try as well. Step out with me. Let's be brave together! Do you want to learn to play the guitar?.... Head back to school?.... Join the Navy?... Whatever you desire. I pray that your good goals become a reality, one step at a time.
Now and always,
May you be blessed.
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