I could have supplied the word "aphid" myself however, if I had, they would have lost the opportunity to really discover the answer to their question. I am excited about their interest and have figured out a way to work the project into our morning activities. Our writing will now be about what we learn, our fun project? A construction paper ladybug of course... with movable wings and spots!
I love to learn new things, meeting new people is one way to do this. Each of us has varied interests and experiences. When someone is talking to me and I don't understand what they are saying, I try to stop them and ask. Because of this, I am often able to recall what they have shared and use the knowledge later.
I am grateful to know that pet ladybugs can eat moistened raisins, that some people hate them and that sitting under a rustic chandelier covered in the critters is not a good idea if someone turns off the light for prayer. Some of this knowledge I learned today, some I have discovered talking to friends and some... like the unpleasant tickle of a ladybug that has fallen down your shirt... I learned from life experience.
I pray that you learn something interesting today. May this day, and everyone that is given to you bring you wonderful adventures. Now and forever, may you be blessed.
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