Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rhyming games!

It's amazing how a silly dance and the excuse to wag your finger at your teacher makes learning more fun.

Today my kiddos and I practiced rhyming together in a very silly way. All of my favorite Kindergarten students lined up along the blackboard and then I would flash a homemade picture card at them and read the word upon it. If the picture was "rose" then I would say another word like "nose". If the word I said rhymed, the kids could do a dance. If it didn't, they could shake their finger at me (because clearly I was confused)! The resulting game was a hoot and my students loved it! At the end I flipped the deal and I would show a card and call on a student challenging them to rhyme. If the could, (I didn't mind help from friends), I would do a little dance. If they got "tricked", I would wag my finger at them. Then of course we'd talk about where they got confused and I'd let them try again.

May I suggest doing a, "little dance" if you are feeling down. (If you can do it with Kindergarten kids, all the better!)

It certainly does the trick for me.

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