Friday, October 31, 2008

Tired... but happy Halloween

Today my Kindergarten kids:

Trick or Treated at the "Little Kids' building"

Played with puppets

Listened to Halloween music

Played with rubber bugs and spiders

Watched an Alvin and the Chipmunks Halloween video

Had donuts for morning snack

Played outside in leaves I brought to school

Went on a spider egg hunt (yellow and orange Easter eggs with spider rings inside)

Made tiny ghost puppets and pumpkin puppets

Got covered in tattoos

Made race car and doll foam crafts

Watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin

and then had an amazingly yummy snack!

Whew.... how's that for a run on list? We had so much fun. I wish you all could have seen how good my kids were when we visited the younger building. We talked about being quiet so we wouldn't, "scare the babies" and about using our good manners. I was so proud of them! There were thank you's all the way through the building and only quiet voices! Yay for Kindergarten kiddos!

Playing in the leaves and tattoos, cookies and silly movies.... it was such a wonderful day! And my kids looked so cute in their costumes! Me? Ah.... yes.... I was a gray sweatsuit clad bunny complete with ears, a tail and fluffy slippers. Let me just say that if your hair is a little damp, you should never take off your head band! (...I didn't but, when I looked in the mirror at lunch break, I had to chuckle when I took the ears off to tuck in a stray unruly lock.)

I love Halloween... and I haven't even passed out our candy yet!

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