Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just take a look....

This past weekend, my family and I went to the Columbus Zoo. While in the Reptile house, we came to a large tank teeming with swimming turtles. In the bottom of the middle panel was an alligator snapping turtle. Kids were pressed up against the glass and were talking.

The turtle was so still that many people were guessing it was decorative statuary. I paused at the sight. I had never seen a "fake" turtle in this particular tank, but perhaps the zoo had added one since I had last visited. I was curious, so I bent down in the middle of the hallway and knelt by the window. I peered closely and saw the turtle's tongue ever so gently swaying side to side.

I laughed out loud and pointed it out to the other curious onlookers. Immediately my husband and realized we were seeing the turtle use a "lure" obviously hoping to catch something yummy for lunch. How fun to see in reality what we had only learned about on television.

Did I look silly kneeling on the floor? Quite possibly... But, if I hadn't looked closer, we would have missed out on a delightful discovery.

Three cheers for the snapping turtle! Here's hoping someone added a few fish to the tank.

Tonight and always, I wish you well. I pray that you are led on your adventures and kept safe along your way. May God Bless you and be gracious to you. This day and always! I bid you peace.

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