Monday, June 28, 2010

These things called, "Silly Bandz"...

Here in Central Ohio, rubber bands in varying shapes and colors adorn the arms of toddler and preteen alike. My students carry the bands on their arms and in large baggies ready to lay them all out and trade with just a moments notice.

Besides just the "normal" silly bands,
there are glow-in-the-dark ones,
sparkly ones, tie dyed ones
so I've been told,
even "smelly" ones.

I watch
I smile.
I know that I am witnessing a special memory develop for this generation. Their version of "Cabbage Patch Kids" if you will...

I must admit though,
the whole thing is slightly bemusing.
Who could ever imagined?
Shaped rubber bands for about four dollars a dozen?

Is it a modern Rorschach test

(some shapes are hard to identify...)
or just
simple happiness...
homegrown in our very own state?

Feel free to see what the excitement is about and decide for yourself.

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