Seeing as the dark is a reality that I must deal with for months and my desire for comfort food is a historic one not likely to go away, I have whipped back out my phone books.
What am I searching for? Lipo suction?... The number to the nearest pizza shop?
My double stack of plastic wrapped phone books is my "step" that allows me to watch a nature show, a sappy love story or some other goofy such event on my television whilst I exercise.
I have decided that it's that time of year... to exercise more rigorously... why?
excuse me...
it's hard to think with a cinnamon roll in your mouth!
just teasing... I've already had mine... the rest are the kids... they sure taste great on a chilly dark autumn morning.
The only bad part about Cinnamon rolls is .... they taste like more. Sometimes they can be worse that Cracker Jacks.
If you indulge in the yummie foods, you know you have to pay the price. So, do as I do, I exercise heavy before I get with the sweets of the season, and get a few pounds less than i normally am, and then after the holidays, I don't have so mant pounds to shed. Kind of a premeditive weight conntrol measure.
Sweat first, then enjoy, then sweat less later.
I must say the sweets are worth the exercise and I agree with the prevent rather than remedy method.
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