it is still dark when I arrive at school.
I often pause and look to the sky.
There is something so very beautiful about the silhouette of trees against a starry sky.
It is the time of year to be grateful.
To count the blessings we have been so richly given.
If I stood without a possession to my name,
without a single "thing",
I would still be rich beyond measure.
My children are a priceless gift. Though there are times I shake my head and wonder if all my hair will turn gray overnight as a result of their antics, I am so blessed to be their mother.
From my loyal oldest,
my mischievous middle one
and my little guy with a heart of a teddy bear
and the appetite of an alligator....
Each one challenges and teaches me each day.
Add in parents that who are kind and truly good. Who have taught me what is right. If I fall off the path, I assure you, it is not because I haven't been raised correctly.
Even if I stopped counting my blessings at this point,
and didn't add in all the other dear ones and kind strangers who touch my life daily... I would be richer than the Biblical Solomon.
This day and always,
know that YOU are a blessing.
That your life has been given to you to use for goodness. Your very presence in this world is an opportunity for blessing. I am glad you are here and I am very sure I'm not the only one.
Go ahead and hug your loved ones... smile at that stranger and let that car out when you are parked at the red light...
May you be blessed now and always with the full measure of grace and goodness that God has planned for you.
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