Thursday, November 27, 2008

Teacher friends!

It is fun to go to teachers' meetings and talk to my fellow teachers!

Yes, I did just say I find something good about meetings!

Of course, there are twenty thousand things I could be doing if I didn't have to go, but... I really enjoy the professional camaraderie that meeting together fosters.

I especially enjoy collaborating with my friend Laura. A "newbie" like me, she is full of enthusiasm and fun ideas. We share Center ideas, discipline tricks and even afternoon recess duty! On Fridays we try to get our kids together for fun activities.

It is truly a blessing to be able to toss ideas around or discuss a tricky situation with another teacher!

Just the other day, I was fortunate to talk to my dear friend Bev. I worked with Bev for four years as a teachers' aide and I count her among one of my favorite people in the world.

Bev is not a "newbie" she's taught "forever".

She has an idea for every situation, a story for every problem I can encounter and a generous heart!

Her passion for teaching is contagious and her willingness to listen is a blessing. (Not to mention she has dittos and teaching ideas for every concept I must teach and she SHARES!)

There is nothing quite like the challenge and blessing of teaching.

There is also something very special about the people who love to teach. Not only do they love their students, but they love their profession and are happy to help those of us just joining the game!

Today, on Thanksgiving, I thank God for my "teacher friends" the "newbies" who commiserate with me when I'm tired and the experienced veterans who share the joy of the craft with me!

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