Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Standing by my tree with my eldest at the camera, I paused to smile, to capture a moment I want to remember.
Life stands before us all everyday and yet, there are times when we are more aware of the path.
The past year has brought many changes to my life. I have felt both wonderful satisfaction and deep disappointment.
As a new year is about to begin, I wonder what it has in store for me. Then I have to laugh... because if I have learned anything this year, I have learned that "life" doesn't simply happen. I am an active participant in my adventure. Though I can not rightly control the actions of anyone else, I can choose my own.
I have no way of knowing everything that I will encounter this coming year. However, I know that I have been given the ability to make the journey with happiness in my heart.
When troubles come, and it's really a given that they will, I know that I can weather the storms.
The greatest blessing we are given on Earth are those who love us.
I am blessed to both love and be loved by many people.
Because of this, regardless of the situations I encounter, I will make it through, hopefully wiser and better for the journey.
I wish for you today and always,
Love for the journey and the courage to keep walking.
Merry Christmas!

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