Friday, June 27, 2008

David Rogers' Big Bugs

Last summer, when visiting Inniswood Gardens in Westerville, Ohio, my family was pleasantly surprised by bugs. Yes, I did say bugs. Scattered about the crown jewel of the Columbus Metro Parks, were the most unusual giant bugs all created out of natural materials. The artist, David Rogers', sends his "little" critters out in the world to delight nature lovers everywhere. I am sure he is not disappointed as the sculptures bring people out in droves (or should I say "swarms"?)!.When we visited I had to wait until the vast crowds of impressionable toddlers passed by so I could take a "fun" picture. Unfortunately the bugs are gone, though Inniswood is still worth a visit. (Check out the park's web page at:
If you are fortunate to find yourself in North Framingham, Massachusetts, head on over to The New England Wild Flower Society's Garden in the Woods and see the Big Bugs! Hurry they will only be there until October 31, 2008! For the rest of you, I offer this video of the bugs from YouTube! Check it out at:

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