Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Go Shopping!

Everyone needs food. It's a fact of life and though I cringe when I see some of the prices on the shelves, I truly enjoy filling a cart with good things to eat!

After all, I have to buy groceries, so it is the one place I can spend money without feeling the least bit guilty. (If I just happen to pick up a new kind of candy bar or some exotic veggie, that's just a bonus!)

Shopping can be fun solo but, if you have children, consider taking some or all of them with you. As a child, I was always included on the trip and as an adult I am very grateful.

Week after week I heard my parents advice of how to choose the best bargain or why sometimes the cheapest dish soap was a very bad idea. They had my attention and what they taught me stays with me still.

Today, I had my own kids and my nephew out at our local Kroger store. We talked about how to find the best deals and I gave into a few impulse items along the way. (Doesn't everyone need a cheese ball?) My nephew happily said hello to strangers and my eldest rolled her eyes at the "embarrassing" behavior of her family.

A trip to the store is a time for input from the kids as well. I often ask my kids to find the best expiration date on the milk or ask them to help choose what frozen veggies they'll be forced to eat!

Even if your shopping trip ends with a tantrum at the checkout, I believe shopping with kids can be very helpful. After all, telling your little one that "no" they cannot have four candy bars but that they could split some M&M's with you, helps them learn that everything in life does not always go there way. (but... life is still good)

If after hearing my rant, you still want to sneak to the store by yourself, don't feel guilty. Sometimes I do that too!

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