Sunday, January 3, 2010

Zinnias or Sunflowers?

Today I amused myself by beginning to move a garden. Before this afternoon, the side of my townhouse contained a lovely perennial garden, a large empty annual garden, an area with my tomato pots and a small section of raspberry bushes. Since I would really like a larger berry patch, I made a decision to move the annual garden out into my front yard.

Today I began moving the pavers. (Yes, I do know the ground has snow on it... Have you missed the fact that I'm trying to deny winter?) The picture shows only the first layer. I actually got part of the second layer moved before my hands got a bit cold and I had to call it a day. Sigh... apparently refusing to acknowledge the onset of frigid weather does not negate its affects.

Tomorrow I'll move the remaining ten stones and ponder moving the dirt once in warms up a bit. The space where the annual garden was last year is large enough to hold at least four or five more berry bushes. The thought of homemade berry cobbler makes me smile.

My father laughs that I would love to plow everything into garden. I protest that this simply isn't true... Somehow though, every year, no matter where I've lived, a bit more yard no longer needs to be mowed! (One year I was even in charge of the garden in front of my dorm at college. Go ahead and chuckle... I did.)

Once the garden is filled, the only question will be what to plant in it. I know I have mentioned a great desire for a zinnia garden, but I haven't completely ruled out one filled with sunflowers. Either would be nice. I'll have to think on it a while. Thankfully I won't have to rush, I have plenty of time to consider the possibilities.

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