Sunday, May 17, 2009

Embrace the sandwich!

I must say that I completely,
endorse the creation of,
and consumption of,
grilled peanut butter and jelly!
What fun!
In an effort to embrace all the blessings life has to offer,
I have a happy policy.
I try to make it my point to try new innocent things.
I firmly have resolved that if I won't have to confess it or regret it...
I'll give it a try.
I draw the line at dangerous stuff,
like jumping out of airplanes.
Or insanely crazy things that would embarrass myself
and others.
I do after all love my family
and value my job.
Even with these small caveats,
the world is an amazing place,
full of harmless happiness,
around every corner.
May your night,
your day,
your life,
be filled with such pleasures.
God Bless,
Happy Sandwich Night to you!

1 comment:

Walker Zed said...

The biggest regrets in life are over those things we didn't do!