Friday, May 15, 2009

Talking with friends...

It used to be
that if your little sister was on the phone
and your newest crush called
you'd miss the message.
Now with call waiting,
it is slightly possible
that a endearing sister,
could help a big sis out.
Could things get better still?
Instant Messaging.
Is it the new "call waiting"?
Say you have work to do,
and you are waiting to hear back from an important client...
(O.K. truthfully, you are waiting to hear if your Pizza Hut order is coming soon!)
...Just teasing a bit with you....
Instant messaging can let you know if you've received a message while you continue to work away on necessary and useful matters.
What I am curious about is this,
how do you feel about Instant Messages?
Do you like them?
Is our society too "instant" already?
I like instant messages from friends,
from time to time.
They are like happy "squeaks" from a little child,
or the last piece of bubble gum in the pack...
Good under the right circumstances.
After all,
too much noise
or stale gum
may not be good.
I suppose you can tell it is Friday night...
my mood is light and I'm a tad silly.
May you be equally blessed
with peace for your moments
and happiness
to carry you on your adventures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Susan, I have an award for you over on my blog. Please come over and pick it up.