Sunday, December 13, 2009

Joy in plastic containers...

Snowmen circle the containers topped with festive green or red lids. I made ten for gifts and kept a giant batch for my own family. Betty had eleven baskets of her own.

My sis and I are a good baking team. Our tastes are different and so are the cookies we created. The end result was a good balance of flavors. We have cherry cookies, pineapple cookies, sugar cookies made with real vanilla sugar that I've been developing for more than a month.... My sis made two varieties of oatmeal cookies and I made my favorite no flour peanut butter cookies... My cinnamon daydreams and chocolate chip banana met her m&m and lemon delights in the tubs of love.

We smiled... sampled and laughed... A new tradition was born. I love my family, my friends... my best friend. I know you understand how I feel. I am sure you have traditions of your own that warm your heart.

I pray that this day and always,
you are given strength for your journey and that you find unimaginable blessings as you walk this adventurous path we call life.
Peace to you!

May you be blessed!

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