Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Happy New Year!

This afternoon while I wandered my local Target, it was all I could do to resist the sleeping bags and propane camping stoves that were marked down and on an end cap. Of course, I must admit, I did stop to look. One shelf led me to another. Pretty soon I was happily sighing in the middle of the outdoor section.

Employing ironclad will power, I resolutely started to walk away from the temptation, without any goodies.

Just then...
a marketing executive smiled
and wasn't sure why...

For you see,
my budget conscious thoughts
were about to meet their match.

As I gave myself a mental "pat" for good behavior, the display at the end of the isle begged for my attention. There, shining with all its stainless steel glory, stood the mother of all thermoses. Amid a sea of smaller useful containers, it beckoned to me. Reflecting the light and making me dream of coffee and hot tea for the trail tomorrow, it whispered my name.

Alright, maybe I'm making that part up... or maybe I'm not... Target is a magical place...

As I stood before the display and weighed the pros and cons of spending my money, I reasoned that it would be a sensible idea... a "safe" idea to take something warm on a long winter's hike. Safety is important... right? So, with a smile, I put the happy item in my cart. I am looking forward to my hike tomorrow. The extra weight in my pack will, I think, be entirely worth it.

As the new year begins, I pray that the path you find may be a smooth one. I ask that, if for some reason, you encounter rocks and holes instead of pleasantness, that you are given rock jumping abilities or sturdy boots to keep your feet safe!

Though my words are light hearted and a bit silly, it is with a sincere heart that I offer best wishes to you.

This day, tomorrow, forever... I wish you only good things! May you be blessed.

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