Sunday, December 27, 2009

Beauty beneath our feet...

Most of the time if you dig in the ground, you find worms, decaying plant material and perhaps some rocks. However, every once in a while, something honestly amazing is found.

In West Liberty Ohio, a long time ago, a teenage farm hand wondered why the water that collected in a particular part of the forest seemed to disappear so rapidly. It assuage his curiousity, he dug a hole and found a cavern full of breathtaking crystal formations and a whole lot of mud. He told his boss and soon people from miles around were crawling on their bellies to gaze at a wonder never before seen by human eyes.

Later... years later... workers dug through the mud for a pitance ( I won't ruin the story.) and made the cavern passable to those of us who'd love to see the treasure standing up without the muck...

You simply must try to make the trip. It is worth every penny. Go to their website ( ) and check out this wonderful place for yourself.

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