Monday, December 14, 2009

A happy night...

Driving the bus back to school, I talked to my two students. I asked them about their days and how their weekend had been. As the trip continued, I mused aloud about what to make for dinner and solicited their advice. They had some very good suggestions, some of which one or more of my children wouldn't be likely to eat.

As our conversation continued, the oldest child suggested chicken and dumplings and we talked about how yummy that would be. In my mind I reviewed the ingredients and what prep my oldest could start before I made it home. As we spoke together, I remembered the frozen noodles in my freezer and the deal was sealed. Though I love to make dumplings, it would have taken a bit longer than I would have liked.

Thanking my helpful students, we exited the bus together at school and I went in to prepare them a snack before I left for the day.

Fifteen minutes later, I was on my way to the car and dialing the cell as I walked. My oldest whole heartedly approved of the plan and put the water, chicken and carrots on to boil while I was still on the phone.

By five thirty, we were all sitting down to a wonderful meal. Together Anna and I had added spices and low sodium chicken bullion to boost the flavor. Begrudgingly I was, "allowed" to stir in a can of corn to keep the carrots company. I microwaved some peas to add into my own bowl and my oldest was very grateful I didn't add them to her portion.

Every one of my children, including the small furry one, enjoyed the feast with some of that "Whole Wheat" White bread that has a bit of fiber. My oldest was happy not to be cold anymore and my little ones were just happy.

Sigh... what a nice idea my young charge had... I must thank her tomorrow.

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