Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Son

My boy.
My little one.
Tonight my stomach hurts.
I've been talking over options with my ex.
Trying to decide what to do with our dear son.
Who we both love.
Who is sometimes very violent.
Who is loving and unaware of the implications of his behavior.
Who is ours.
Life is hard.
My heart is heavy.
May the One who made us all
guide us,
protect us,
comfort us,
keep us strong.
May your day,
my day,
our forevers,
be filled with the beauty
of His creation.
May the hard things in life,
the sad things...
May they pass...
Through the dark valleys,
may we find light.
God Bless you all,

Saturday, May 30, 2009

On top of the world

Bouncing from rock to rock.

Picnicking high above Lancaster.

Feeding fish.

Talking and laughing.


Making memories.


I am so grateful to spend time with my family and those dear to my heart.
What a gift...
a treasure...
a blessing.

I love summer.

...happy days....

moments frozen in time...

May you be blessed with kind friends,
good family
beautiful adventures.


Mountain climbing

Today my crew are headed out to climb a mountain and maybe play some Frisbee golf.

if I must be honest,
we are going to climb a really tall hill,
but the Frisbee part of the adventure is true!

I've never played Frisbee golf,
it sounds like a sport destined to supply everyone with smiles
most likely,
fits of laughter.

The mountain is an old favorite that I've hiked since I was child. From it's top you can see for miles on a clear day.

The view is breathtaking and it never fails to inspire introspection and quiet thoughts.

as I stand atop the mountain,
I'll ponder my life,
my children,
my blessings
and my new adventures.

I will pray that you and I,
will enjoy the journey,
take in all the lovely sights,
and not lose our way.

May your day,
your week,
your forever,
be blessed
with beauty and goodness.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today, my little son's speech teacher sat down with me and showed me how to use his new "talker".
My Andrew is eleven and mostly nonverbal.
I often think how hard it must be to not be able to share his wants and needs.
I know my boy pretty well...
But, there is no way I can tell if he wants to have spaghetti or pizza when we go to Fazoli's or where he would like to go on our Saturday adventures.
I have a way.
With pictures from the web
and my digital camera,
our wonderful speech teacher and I are going to fill his talker up with choices.
This Saturday,
Andrew is in charge of our outing.
We are going where he wants to go.
I can not wait!
I am so happy for my boy.
I know it will take time,
but I think he will love having a choice...
a voice.
as I type,
my smile is wide and I have hope and happiness for my son,
for the one I call "Roo Roo"...
for my best guy!
I pray that together we can find a way to make his feelings known.
I still will say, "no" when I need to,
but at least he will have a chance to tell me he's mad
without resorting to self injury or outwardly focused distress.
Tonight as I count my blessings,
I count among them,
wonderful hardworking speech teachers,
beautiful children who want to communicate
and that brilliant nameless someone
who created his amazing machine.
May your life be filled with lovely conversation,
with blessings
with choices
with amazing adventures!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Calm in the midst of storms

I think most people
can think of at least one time in their life
in response to something frightening or hurtful,
they have responded
to a situation
in a less than helpful manner.

while useful
and a blessing,
at times be a liability.

Recently I had a friend remind me,
that Jesus is with us
through the calm
and the storm.

I thought this was a beautiful sentiment
and one I will try to remember the next time someone says something hurtful.

I am thankful for good friends,
sunny days
peace in my heart.

May you,
Today and always,
have friends with wisdom,
faith in your heart
and peace for your journey.

May you be blessed.

Monday, May 25, 2009

From Sea to Shining Sea

Happy Memorial Day to you and yours!
More than just a day off for Americans,
Memorial Day is a day to remember
all the men and women
who have given their lives
to protect the land we call home.
Our children play and learn,
we live and love,
in freedom,
in peace,
because the world knows,
we will stand...
we will fight...
we will do what must be done.
To the men and women of the past,
like my Grandpa Jones,
I say thank you.
To those who stand today,
just in case,
I say thank you.
I love my country,
my freedoms,
the peace that we all share.
I pray for our country
and those who care for it.
Tonight and always,
may we be blessed with grateful hearts.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Swing dancing!

I can twirl in my sleep!

Who would have thought that I could swing dance!

...mind you I didn't say I could do it well!...

The photo above actually shows me trying the Electric Slide!

I the one in the blue watching her feet!

I love silly group dances.
My favorite was the "Bingo Waltz" where I was twirled all around a giant circle.

A grin never left my face the whole evening.

I must say that my philosophy of embracing all the innocent fun the world has to offer is certainly helping to start this summer off right!

May your weekend,
your holiday,
be absolutely wonderful.

May you be blessed with good friends,
a smile,
and maybe even...
a Bingo Waltz!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Night Before the Last Day of School

It was the night before the last day of school

and all over the town,

the children were dreaming

of the best party around.

The water balloons

were tucked high on a shelf,

in the hopes that Miss Laura

would be like an elf.

She'd fill them with water

and tie them up too...

and share them with her kids
and Ms. Susan's too!

the water was splashing

as I heard her exclaim...

"I bet our dear kiddos will get us all wet...

too bad they don't know the big secret yet!"

Though we'll yell and we'll holler,

as if we will die.

In truth,

we will love it,

We're not telling a lie.

As school books are closed,

and summer begins.

We give thanks and whisper,

a happy,

"The End".

So tonight and tomorrow,

if you hear a strange sound.

It's the laughter of children,

running around
and the soft sighs
of the the teachers

sitting down.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Half my conferences are finished. The other half are tomorrow. I can not begin to tell you how satisfying it is to speak with my parents. To share with them the joy of their children's progress. How blessed I have been to lead and learn with their little ones this year. I am tired. But, oh so very happy. I sit working on portfolios, pondering my students' progress and I feel such a deep sense of satisfaction. What a wonderful blessing it is to teach.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Embrace the sandwich!

I must say that I completely,
endorse the creation of,
and consumption of,
grilled peanut butter and jelly!
What fun!
In an effort to embrace all the blessings life has to offer,
I have a happy policy.
I try to make it my point to try new innocent things.
I firmly have resolved that if I won't have to confess it or regret it...
I'll give it a try.
I draw the line at dangerous stuff,
like jumping out of airplanes.
Or insanely crazy things that would embarrass myself
and others.
I do after all love my family
and value my job.
Even with these small caveats,
the world is an amazing place,
full of harmless happiness,
around every corner.
May your night,
your day,
your life,
be filled with such pleasures.
God Bless,
Happy Sandwich Night to you!

Which do you like better?

As the clocks hands creep around the dial,
inching ever nearer to morning,
my musings get a bit sillier.
I took a break during school work,
to pack lunches,
do a little laundry
and straighten up the house.
While I worked,
I chatted on the phone.
Discussing with my friends,
the weekend's events,
and other random thoughts.
Among the topics....
Peanut Butter!
Although a problem for some,
I love the stuff.
I'll eat any variety.
But, I really like crunchy best.
If I get choice,
it's honey instead of jelly.
Though I don't really mind.
Peanut butter is just one of those lovely things that has many yummy possibilities.
It was suggested to me,
that I really should try a grilled peanut butter sandwich.
The idea has been percolating in my noodle for a day now
and I'm ready to act upon it this evening.
I think,
I'll go down
and make
one of these interesting sandwiches!
I'm a little hungry
and I've got a bit more work to do.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
May your life be filled with innocent and fun trivia.
May you find a bit of fun in the ordinary day to day.
May you be blessed.
Today, Tomorrow, Forever.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dragonflies and wildflowers

Today my whole crew went to a family day
sponsored by a singles group I belong to.
We had a delightful time.
There were activities planned for all ages.
My daughters played corn hole in the children's tournament and I played with a friend against my sister and another single paired up with us for the fun.
I had never honestly played the beanbag tossing game
for grownups and other happy people.
My partner and I got into it,
high fiving and cheering when we actually scored...
not bothered a bit when we didn't.
Though I admit we were silly,
no one minded our exuberance.
We had cookout food, coffee and cookies.
I had a smile on my face
that was mirrored by those around me.
Our nature walk was led by an older gentleman with a great love of the outdoors. Though a tad serious, he was quite knowledgeable.
(Though apparently he was unafraid of poison ivy...yikes! I hope I don't have too many angry itchy welts tomorrow.)
Pointing out wildflowers and insects as we wandered,
he was pleased to have an audience.
We delighted in waist high wild flowers,
lady bugs
and dragon flies.
I shrieked at a surprise spider
and even got covered in mud
rescuing my nephew
from a particularly damp section of trail.
When my nephew reclaimed his flowers
and gave them to his mom,
a trail mate bent over and picked me more.
I smiled when my new friend
quietly picked buds off a tree
that our leader had proclaimed "too high" to reach
just so we could enjoy their fragrance.
I smiled
as I sipped my coffee
listening to the rain on the roof of the barn.
I smiled
as out in the field,
kind teenagers played ball with my nephew.
I smiled across the table
at the interesting quiet man
who shared the day with me.
Most of all though,
I smiled at my own daughters,
who enjoyed the nature trail,
entertained each other with Uno games
and congenial conversations.
It was truly a "Family Day".
Happy memories,
and need I say again...
smiles all around.
Tonight and always,
may the ones you claim as family
never be too far from your heart or your arms.
No matter where your trail takes you,
I pray,
that you will always find moments,
to enjoy what makes you happy...
Be it dragonflies,
offered wildflowers
or even mud.
May you be blessed,

Friday, May 15, 2009

Talking with friends...

It used to be
that if your little sister was on the phone
and your newest crush called
you'd miss the message.
Now with call waiting,
it is slightly possible
that a endearing sister,
could help a big sis out.
Could things get better still?
Instant Messaging.
Is it the new "call waiting"?
Say you have work to do,
and you are waiting to hear back from an important client...
(O.K. truthfully, you are waiting to hear if your Pizza Hut order is coming soon!)
...Just teasing a bit with you....
Instant messaging can let you know if you've received a message while you continue to work away on necessary and useful matters.
What I am curious about is this,
how do you feel about Instant Messages?
Do you like them?
Is our society too "instant" already?
I like instant messages from friends,
from time to time.
They are like happy "squeaks" from a little child,
or the last piece of bubble gum in the pack...
Good under the right circumstances.
After all,
too much noise
or stale gum
may not be good.
I suppose you can tell it is Friday night...
my mood is light and I'm a tad silly.
May you be equally blessed
with peace for your moments
and happiness
to carry you on your adventures.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best children ever!

Everyday I try to think positive thoughts.
Though there are days that tax my efforts to keep my spirits uplifted,
most days
I succeed in finding happiness
in the blessings that surround me.

Today was a lovely day.


it rained and my students could not go out to play.

They are good kids
and we got our work done.


by the end of the day,

I was tired...

I'm not entirely sure they were!

(I'm smiling as I type this... I assure you the world is a good place.)

When I made it home,

I was so glad to know,

without a shadow of a doubt,

that my kids would be satisfied with pasta for dinner.

All die hard Italians may want to cover your eyes and stop reading...

I may make you cry.

You see,

I cook the pasta,

drain it,

and toss the sauce in the same pan.

One pan,

bread and butter,

a veggie.

Dinner is done.

(I sometimes even cook the veggie in a plastic bag in the microwave.)


I am so very glad I do not have picky children.

What a blessing.

May your evening be peaceful.

May those around you be easily pleased.

May you be blessed!

(perhaps with spaghetti!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Books...books and more books...

With a week and a day left in "real school",
my co-teacher and I are packing up for the summer.
Though we will continue to work,
it will be "camp" time.
A magical mixture of field trips,
playground activities
and happy mischief.
Leaving curriculum materials around,
is just begging for trouble.
There is really no sense complaining that the "big kids"
lost all our phonics game pieces
when it would be more sensible
just to take everything home until the fall.
load after load,
crate after crate...
My books and materials are finding their way,
back into my cupboards,
onto my bookcases,
filling boxes in my closets once again.
I chuckle at the seemingly endless flow.
I sigh and smile.
One of my dearest friends,
a teacher for more than twenty five years
packs up the last few weeks
in just the manner I am.
Bit by bit the room grows plainer.
It is a signal to the children,
a way of transitioning them into the future that is beckoning.
Somewhat hesitant,
they need that "push".
The signal that it is finished,
that they are moving on.
I am so proud of my students.
Together we have learned so much.
I feel a sense of deep satisfaction...
mixed with a bit of sadness.
Some of my students will say goodbye,
going on to other places.
Other's will stay with me for summer camp
and I'll see them in after school care next year.
Our roles are changing,
they will no longer be my Kindergarten kiddos.
I will get a new class to teach and care for.
They will become someone else's dear ones.
They will look back fondly,
I will not be their "Ms. Susan" anymore.
They will be the "big kids"
and will look with amusement on my, "babies".
I know it is true.
I have seen it happen many times before.
Life is not stagnant,
relationships change.
This is not a terrible thing.
May you feel blessed by those who come to know you,
if even for a brief time.
When the day comes,
that those in your care must leave you,
I pray that the memory of what you have shared,
stays with you forever.
Today, Tomorrow and Forever,
May you be blessed with happiness, peace and joy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

At the door...

Standing expectantly,

my little daughter waited for someone to open the door.

In life,

there are times that we are frozen
on the edge of the future.

We are poised,

what is out there?

Sometimes our musings are filled with excitement,

other times we may feel a little trepidation.

I think of the summer about to open before us,

I sigh contentedly when I daydream...
of trips to parks,

local beaches,

pine cone fights

and picnics under trees.

My kids have their own agendas...

water balloons,

camp outs

and staying up late.

Summer is my favorite season.

It is a time to take our shoes off,

literally and figuratively.


contemplate with me,

happy thoughts...

Lightening bugs...

burned marshmallows...

playing until the mosquitoes drive you inside...

Live this summer.

Embrace all it has to offer.

Open the door and step through!
May this night,
this season...
Bring you peace and blessings.

Monday, May 11, 2009


In all the world,
my favorite dessert is chocolate cake.
The simple kind that comes in a box
and is adorned with frosting.
Cake makes special occasions better
and ordinary days more lovely.
Can you imagine a birthday without a cake?
A graduation
or a wedding
without all that yummy frosting?
along with dinner,
my eldest
made an absolutely lovely chocolate cake.
With a smile in my heart,
I know with all certainty
that my affection has been passed along.
She will always equate cake
with happiness,
with family,
with love.
Betty Crocker
and Dunkin Hines
should pay me dividends.
Behind the confection,
is a message of care,
of love.
I am blessed to have such very dear children.
May you,
May I,
always keep those we love close to our hearts.
May we be grateful
for the loved ones given to us
and treat them with care.
Each day is a blessing,
a gift.
May yours be beautiful!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's day!

As I drifted into conscious thought,

a smile playing at my lips,

I could smell bacon and coffee.

It seemed to me,

that my eldest must be making breakfast.


with a contented sigh,

I closed my eyes and

cozied down to wait.

In a little while,

my door opened and in came a tray,

with toast,



and even cards

and flowers.


anyone who knows me very well,

knows I adore flowers,




This mornings offerings,

made me grin.

I had a card that proclaimed me queen,

one from the dog that wished me

many happy,

and funny blessings,

extremely good coffee


even a gift card

to the teacher's store.

Even if,

I wasn't already happy.

Even if Mother's Day wasn't such a lovely day,

I would have been proud of my oldest's efforts.

I had a friend ask me if I liked being a mom.

I grinned and said that if I was being asked if I enjoyed dealing with the tough and messy parts of motherhood, of course I wasn't crazy.


if I was being asked if it was all worth it,

if my life was better because of my children,


the answer was,



Motherhood is not easy.

Some days it is not even fun.



it is a blessing,

a gift,

a treasure.

May your day,

be beautiful.

May you find a happy thought to carry in your heart.

May you always know you have a place in this world.

You are needed,

you are necessary,

you are blessed!

Friday, May 8, 2009

A lovely treat...

as I type,
I can begin to smell a lovely aroma,
creeping up my stairs.
What is the hint of heaven that I am starting to detect?
It is the happy result of school errands.
You see,
I am "Mother Goose"
in our Kindergarten's rendition of the "Three Little Pigs".
The story is told,
as if the wolf and pigs,
are kids on a playground,
trying to learn how to be kind to each other.
I can't wait to see all the students of "Fairy Tale Elementary School" act out their parts!
I went to Target to buy feathers and flippers!
It was while on this"goosey" errand
that I once again wandered down the coffee maker isle in reverent silence.
While daydreaming,
a sale sign caught my eye.
A programmable coffee maker...
one that could have coffee ready for me when I wake up...
Was on sale....
For more than ten dollars off...
If I purchased my desire,
I would even be given a ten dollar Target Gift Card!
How could I pass up such an offer?
With a smile and a happy noise,
I scooped up a box and headed,
with my intended purchases,
towards the checkout counter!
I pause to sniff,
and can't wait to head back downstairs.
When tomorrow dawns,
and my children announce it's arrival.
I will grab my robe and slippers
and head
just a little bit quicker to my kitchen.
May the gift of a new day bring blessings to us all.
May the little ones entrusted to my care,
smile and say their lines with pride.
May their parents snap pictures
and have their hearts warmed.
May you and I,
find a smile as well.
May we all be blessed,
with peace,
with love,
with wisdom
and contentment.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Tea" and happy memories

Tomorrow my kiddos are having a shindig at school.
and other loved ones...
All are arriving for "tea"!
Just in case there are parents reading...
I can't tell you all we have planned.
We've worked on art and writing projects for more than a month.
We have two crafts they'll love...
an activity...
a song...
a poem...
and even yummy treats!
I know everyone will have a delightful time.
I pray that your day tomorrow brings a smile your way.
... If that smile is inspired by free style artwork
and childish happy voices...
All the better.
If you find yourself,
in the company of furry critters,
or perhaps
spending the day alone,
I pray that the day is still delightful.
May you be blessed tonight,
tomorrow and always!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funny blessings

My sunflower garden is thriving,
despite the plentiful bushy tailed rodents
that populate our neighborhood.
when I planted seeds this spring,
I was absolutely convinced
that my yearly pocket of sunshine
was going to suffer a terrible fate.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
How delightful to find myself mistaken.
Why oh why...
are my seeds being left alone?
Simply this....
Our squirrels like garbage better!
Munching through plastic,
happy for nasty night buffets,
the icky critters,
leave my tender shoots of future beauty alone.
What a happy trick,
a side benefit to what otherwise might be
simply an annoyance.
when I pick trash up,
I am actually,
almost grateful.
How silly is that?
and always,
I pray that you will find happiness.
In the path you are walking,
in the people who love you,
in the beautiful world around you.
If you see a squirrel headed for your garden...
I'm sorry...
maybe you should lose a trash can lid.

Frozen moments

When my eldest's name was called the other night,
she walked to the front of the church.

Tentatively she stepped,
as if she could sense she's on the brink.

She was recognized for who she is,
her intellect a shining example,
her sweet spirit a balm to those around her.

I smiled wide,
my heart full of emotion.

This is my daughter.
My dear one.
I held her when she was but a minute old.

Ready to walk,
her road ahead,
her adventure,
just beginning.

May she,
may we,
be blessed.

This day
and always
with the wisdom
to keep our eyes
on the One
who makes our adventure possible.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sweet teenagers

My nearest ATM is right next to my favorite coffee spot.
as I pulled in to do a bit of banking,
the window at Tim Horton's popped open and a smiling voice sang brightly in my direction.
Across the parking lot came an inquiry.
Was I coming for my regular cup?
I chuckled,
and assured the sweet kiddo
that I indeed was headed her way.
Walking into the store
to pick out a few cookies for my children's lunch boxes,
the teenager greeted me,
packed up my cookies and rang me up.
When it seemed my purchasing was over,
she looked a tad bemused and questioned,
"Aren't you going to get your blueberry fritter?"
I laughed out loud,
I visit for donuts about once a week,
for coffee a couple of times more.
What fun
to have my order remembered.
I loved regulars when I worked fast food.
How silly that now I am one!
May the kind people
who care for your wants and needs
be blessed,
may you find happiness
in the joys they provide.
May this day and every day bring you blessings and peace.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Unusual Gifts

Driving the loop around Columbus known as 270,
on my way to my parents' party yesterday,
my youngest daughter yelled from the back seat that there was a rainbow.

The traffic was rather heavy but,
as I was following my parents and being followed by a dear aunt,
I slowed down my car and aimed my camera at the sky.

I took a few shots,
unsure if I had caught anything.

back home,
I had to smile at the perfection captured on film.

I have never seen a rainbow that looked like the one we shared.

Katie told me it was a gift when I thanked her for showing me.

She was right.

A treasure offered without cost by a young lady who I am blessed to love.

The best things in life are given and received in this way.

Friendship and love.

We can't buy either.

We need both.

May you,
this night
and always,
feel the care of those who love you,
who are glad to call you friend.

May you be blessed!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A song in their hearts....

With my siblings and my favorite relatives all around,

we celebrated my parents' fortieth Wedding Anniversary today.
It all began so many years ago when my father visited my mother's church.
He was part of a choir.
At lunch a blessing was said,
little did anyone know it was the start of something wonderful.
Over the years,
music was always a part of their lives.
Happy Birthday was sung for three children.
Amazing Grace was often heard on request
and Kumbya was sung every summer in Bible School.
Growing up with my parents was such a blessing.
We were loved,
cared for,
honestly cherished.
I smile when I remember the times around the dinner table eating Dad's pizza.
Trying some new muffin Mom cooked up.
Life was simple,
I am so grateful for the love between my parents,
that was shared with all those around.
Like everyone,
I heard my parents bicker from time to time.
I knew,
they loved each other,
they'd work it out.
The world would go on.
I think I could easily sing a verse or two of a happy hymn for them any day.
May your life be blessed with "true" love.
The kind they talk about in the Bible.
That brings out the best in those it touches.

Foaming water... setting sun...

As the happy time
known as evening
settled around Columbus,
a friend and I wandered by Griggs Reservoir.
Despite living in Ohio a great deal of my adult life,
I had never stopped to watch the water flow over the spillway.
We chatted about this very fact,
how there are so many nearby places we've never seen.
Right around the corner,
holding peaceful moments and wonderful views.
It was fun to try and read the warning signs on the dam,
to see who could figure out what they said.
We laughed over the foam in the water,
he teasingly insisted it was soap from upstream,
I bet him it wasn't.
...I emailed him the link too...
(I know where my children get some of their brattiness!)
It was a lovely evening,
we even tried to feed cookies to the geese.
They wouldn't even dignify them with a nibble.
cookies don't look enough like white bread or water gunk.
Oh well,
it would have been a waste.
I make good cookies.
I smile when I think of my friend.
Of the innocent fun,
playing in parks.
.... Wandering wooded paths,
staring at dams,
or splashing in water,
good company is a blessing.
I pray that your week ahead is filled with interesting possibilities.
With wonderful surprises,
peace and maybe a playful bet or two.
This evening and always,
may you be blessed,
by the One who made us,
who made our world,
who gave us,
friends for the journey.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tomato daydreams

The parking lot of my favorite grocery shares a common outlet with a Lowe's store.
may not be temptation for some.
For me,
it is like a make out session is to a teenager.
It never surprises my children,
when I ease the car out of one parking spot
and slide it happily into another.
Like a kid in a video game store,
I stood in front of the display of tomatoes,
barely breathing.
I could almost taste the salads that will be made more perfect with the addition of sun ripened decadence.
I silently scooped up two plants recommended for containers
and traded my currency with deep satisfaction.
Back home,
they've been planted
and even photographed for you.
It makes me smile to see them.
I did have seeds.
I do every year.
The seeds,
comfort me in winter.
When I can't really plant a thing.
Somehow though,
warm days and clear nights
make me,
just a little more impatient than usual.
I think I'll just consider my packet of seeds,
winter "therapy"
and not count them a waste.
May you find happiness in what you love.
if you embrace a little innocent temptation
...don't feel too guilty!
May you be blessed,
this evening and always.

Blank slates

Smiling as I type,
I am pondering my list of things to do.
Like most people,
the list is rather long.
I'm considering what order to do the errands in.
I love Saturdays.
Especially the ones wide open,
with only chores to do.
There is always a least a little room for fun.
I can't wait to head out and start the adventure!
We'll find something fun to share with you.
May your day be blessed.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Yay! It's Friday!

Like my long ago "mud baby",
my smile is a mile wide.

I'm thinking of ordering a pizza for a treat
and watching a chick flick just for fun!

Today was a beautiful day,
despite the rain.

Here is hoping that Friday evening is making you smile as well.

Yay! for the weekend!
Happy people,
happy days!

May you be blessed tonight and always!
Only happy wishes for you all!

Hug someone you love

This picture,
taken in Cave City, Kentucky,
is about two years old.

the happy feeling,
my oldest daughter and I felt that day,
is with me still.

A hug,
an embrace.

Can mean many things.

in its truest form,
it simply shows care and affection.

give a hug if you can.

To someone you love.

The world is better when we take care of each other.

May God Bless you,
through rain or shine,
now and forever!