Friday, June 19, 2009


As a collective sigh begins to be heard across the land,
it is a good bet that the weekend is about to arrive.

Though I love my job,
there is something about having hours left to my own planning that is comforting.

What we do with those hours
probably tells a great deal about who we are,
what we value,
who we care about.

I've thought over how I want to "spend" my precious time.

even an evening
with a very special man.

As this weekend becomes a reality,
may you and I,
make time
for what is most important.

May what we choose
be worthy of our involvement,
may we rejoice in the company of loved ones.

When we must spend some of our hours
on the chores...
or even time at work,
let us still find worth in what we are doing.

May we be blessed.
Now, Always and Forever,
with faith, joy and love.

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