Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thinking of those we love.

When our phone rings
and it is a loved one calling to say hello,
our day is made better.

When we walk through the grocery store
and pick up corn on the cob,
just because our youngest daughter loves it,
two people are blessed.

It seems to me,
that living in relationships with others is a beautiful thing.

Not always easy...
Sometimes we hurt each other...
on purpose
on accident...

It is then we must communicate,
work out our problems,
find a way back to happier shores.

From time to time it is hard to look beyond our own wants and see what our loved ones need. It is at these moments we must stop and think carefully what to do. What is best...

Strangely enough,
it can also be difficult to accept the care of others. To let them help us when we need it. To accept our place in their lives. It is not obligation that will bind us, rather the bonds of love and friendship.

Today as I look at those around me,
I will be thinking about all these things.

I may shake my head in wonder at the offerings of loving children or perhaps sigh and try not to step back when offered kindness from the dear ones who love me.

Life, Relationships, Friendship....
Gifts from our Father.
in our imperfect hands,
can bring happiness or sorrow...

May we be guided toward the sunny side...
May we be blessed!

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