Saturday, July 5, 2008

A peaceful place: Dawes Arboretum

About a half an hour or so from Columbus just off interstate 70 East is a place that celebrates trees, history and the natural world! Established in 1929 by Beman and Bertie Dawes, the 1700 acre oasis of green contains fantastic things that I guarantee you will not find anywhere else in Ohio! There are beautiful Japanese gardens, a cypress swamp, a grove of Buckeye trees and much, much more.

Underneath the shade of a tall tree our family had a picnic. Ketchup and baloney, pasta salad and cookies, a summer lunch is really quite simple. It is in the sharing that it becomes something more.

As our lunch began our eldest spotted something moving in the grass. She pointed in out and I hopped up. It was a delightful tiny toad barely larger than a quarter! With a scoop and a squeal we captured it for a closer look. My husband took a picture and one of my summer wishes came true. (I used to catch toads as a little child and I look for them every summer.)

After our lunch, we went for a walk to the Japanese Gardens. They were beautiful! The best part was jumping the stepping stones through the middle of the pond. Our kids and our dog loved it! (Yes, I did say dog! Dogs are welcome everywhere in the park, even in the Visitor's Center!)

Make sure to take a trip to the park sometime soon. I know you'll love it. Don't forget your picnic or, if you have one, your furry friend. For more information please check out the Dawes Arboretum website at:

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