Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dear ones...

Two little ones...
often tempted to roll on my classroom floor...

Often behaving like cats and dogs...
in truth,
it is love they hold in their hearts for each other.

With compassion,
one held the other today.
One buddy had a tummy ache,
the other was worried.

All the grown up procedures had been followed.
But, not surprisingly,
it was the care of a friend that the little one truly craved.

We all know someone like the one who is sharing the embrace. Someone who has cared for us through thick and thin.

My parents and closest friends come to my mind.

I pray that now and always,
you and I,
know someone like my young compassionate helper
and that at times,
we are able to share our own arms
to a dear one in need of comfort.

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