Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wandering and wondering

It's been quite a day and I am very tired.

Earlier this evening, I took a walk with my son to clear my mind and settle him a bit.

Our path took us to our nearby Tim Horton's where I found some Timbits for him and an extra large coffee for me.

Continuing through the parking lot, we made a pilgrimage to Target. Bread, milk and Dark Chocolate Ghiradelli raspberry filled squares of heaven were tucked into my cart.

The homeward journey had a slight detour to my dear friend Betty's house where the emergency chocolate was shared.

Hope, dreams... the longings of our hearts. When we are young anything seems possible. As life progresses, we meet so many things that challenge our belief in "Happily Ever After".

Tonight as I found myself tired and melancholy, I actually told my sis that nothing in life is certain but God's love. I must confess that as someone who deeply longs for a "forever" relationship someday, I was actually troubled by this thought, not comforted.

But, then it struck me that God made the world I love, the pretty flowers and steep trails that call to me. God made my dear friends who I care for and even the kind man I have been seeing as of late. God has given me so many blessings. My children.... my furry dog son... my students.... Chocolate.... coffee... they are all such good things. Even the people who will fix my car and make it run.

I have never been left alone by the One who made me.
I have never been forsaken.

Though I may wish for Earthly "certainty" and "guarantees", I would be kidding myself to actually believe that such things exist.

The world is beautiful.
God is good.
I am loved.
These things are true.
Because of these Truths,
I know that my adventure is not going to be a "solo" endeavor,
regardless of the outcome of any human relationships I form.

So, I have a smile,
that isn't the result of that chocolate
(though it didn't hurt the process).

I have hope that doesn't depend on any human action...
not even my own.

Now and always, I pray that your walk brings you beautiful blessings.
I ask that you know you are loved and...
I pray for the beautiful longings of your heart to come true as well...
(Hey, there is no harm in asking!)

May you be blessed.


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