Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Goldfish Bingo!

I sit with a tummy full of coffee
and a satisfied grin on my face.
The dear ones were "wrangled" today.
(insert chuckle here)
With clothes pins inscribed with each name
and a cardboard chart,
a new way of life was explained.
Each half of the day ends with a bit of playtime.
The catch is,
it has to be earned.
(insert another chuckle here)
If a student feels uncooperative,
that is certainly their choice.
They can just "practice" listening later.
With a matter of fact attitude,
the new plan was unveiled and put into place.
My smile...
enough said...
Happy thoughts of the best educational atmosphere available
are dancing in my head.
...my little laugh?
...probably a bit too pleased...
Now and always,
may you be equal to the tasks before you.
If you find a situation to be a bit rough,
think it out...
talk it out...
plan your move...
May you be blessed.
(oh... the picture?... a wonderfully fun Bingo Addition game complete with goldfish cracker markers... I do love those little critters)

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