Monday, October 19, 2009


I set my alarm a bit earlier this morning in anticipation of moving slowly. I was happily surprised that everything still worked despite the exercise it was given yesterday.

As I climbed out of bed, I said thank you and pondered my weekend. Thought over the week before me and considered the path of my life.

The people I climbed with yesterday were all strangers to me before the day began. Now, a common interest and a shared experience have made them something else.

As the day had wound down, I found myself standing with the four other women who came without a guy in tow. We watched as our guide took his own trips over the edge and we shared a bit about ourselves. It turned out that we had all been divorced. We all felt regret over the sadness in our past but affirmed that even when the path you find yourself on is not what you would have originally chosen, the world is a magnificent place.

Divorce is a horrible thing. Something awful happens when sacred bonds are broken. Yet, it is not the end. The world is beautiful. People are kind and there are adventures out there to be considered.

Despite the rush of yesterday, my most important adventure is the one I was entrusted with more than fourteen years ago. I am a mom. I pray that I am given the wisdom to lead my children and the strength to care for their needs.

I ponder my life, my example and I find that I am not perfect and I sigh. Then, I consider the truth. That if anyone puts their faith in a human, they are bound for disappointment. Regardless of the kindness and integrity of the human chosen, none of us is perfect. Yet, to walk in this world happily, we must form relationships. We all need people to care for and individuals to care for us.

It is a tricky path we trod. Who or what is the center of our lives? Do we believe that God is looking out for us, that He cares? If we do, how then do our lives reflect our beliefs?

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