Thursday, November 26, 2009

Begging berries...

Feeling snacky...
not really hungry...
I made some coffee and made a bowl of frozen berries with Cool Whip for myself.
My pup?
As you can see,
approved of my snack
and waited for me to share.

I honestly believe pets are a special blessing.
No matter if I am sad or happy...
my dog always is delighted to cuddle in and keep me company.
Truth be told,
I always put a few extra berries in...
just for him.


Tom said...

Thats one cute dog. Mine is pretty much the same way. Seems to think if its good enough for me, its good enough for him. When it comes to sugar cookies, he is a bottomless pit.

an adventurer on the road of life said...

What kind of dog do you have?

Tom said...

I have a mutt. Kind of a cross between a Golden Retriver and a Dashound. Long like a Dashound, but hair and facial features of a retriver.

He is going to be 10 years old in January. We are great pals.

an adventurer on the road of life said...

Ben is our first dog. He is a real dear. He's four years old and a thirty seven pound lap dog. It is my fault he thinks he should cuddle. We bought him around Thanksgiving and I was cold. I'd gather him up every evening and put him on my lap. He didn't complain and came to believe that "mommy" was someone to cuddle on. (and everyone else was worth a try)
Happy day,

Tom said...

My dog, (Semper Fidelis)has never wanted to get on the sofa. But if you put a Fleece Throw on your legs he will get on it right away, and roll over so you can rub his tummy.
This dog has a second sense. he can hear you making a sandwich all the way from the bedroom, and never shows up in the kitchen until the sandwich is done, and then he wants his fair share.

an adventurer on the road of life said...

I have to chuckle. Blogging is a fun experience. You never know who you might meet. It's fun to think that I "know" someone half way across the country. It's been fun chatting pets with you today. It makes me laugh to hear about other people's pets who also have super powered hearing when it comes to food.

Tom said...

I envy you being able to teach kids. For awhile I was a teacher also, I taught older kids. Spent 7.5 years on the platform as an Instructor in the Marine Corps. I taught them how to be a Marine, and taught them all about artillery, and tactics.

I think it would be so very rewarding teaching young kids. Knowing that everyday you have made an impact on thier lives.

an adventurer on the road of life said...

Sigh. There are so many parts of teaching I love. This is my second year. My group this year has lots of energy and very strong opinions; there are days I sincerely worry that I will not be equal to the task. So I pray, read my standards, write my lessons, talk to my collaborating teacher and my principal and try my best. I envy you, and all the "pros" who walked out to the other side and KNOW that they did a fantastic job. I do not want to be an ok teacher... I want to be a great one. I don't want my kids to behave out of fear... but I do want them to behave... It's a tricky line to walk. Teaching is the hardest "job" I've ever done and most days, also the very best. So envy... nope... prayers please... for all the teachers of the world.. the newbies... and the veterans...

Tom said...

You are so lucky, you have the kids in thier forming years. YOU can make a difference in thier lives.

I always look at it this way, if 10-15 years down the road, that kid still remembers your name, they will also remember the things YOU taught them, and apply them, and possibly try to follow in your footsteps.