Friday, July 24, 2009

Evenings together

Tonight my oldest daughter
and I watched a popular movie called,
"John Tucker Must Die".

With cleverness and insight,
the actions of a high school guy were exposed.

To get what he wanted,
the teenage Romeo
smoothly told the ladies
exactly what they wanted to hear.

A beautiful,
but lonely,
sees what is going on
and compares the actions of the young man
to those of losers her mother has dated.
she becomes part of a plot to teach the "player" a lesson.

Poignant and surprisingly deep,
the movie was touching.

Though filed under "comedy"
and rightly so,
the screen before my daughter and I
was full of opportunities to talk about what it means to date.

We had a heart to heart about how important it is to stay true to who you really are.
That although dating can be exciting,
it can also be challenging.
How when we,
like the young lady in the movie,
make mistakes,
we should try and learn from them.
In the end,
the villain is really just
a young man with issues of his own.
If you have a chance...
check out the movie.
Laugh outloud...
eat some popcorn...
Share an evening with someone you love.
May you be blessed,

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