Monday, July 13, 2009

A gift from a friend...

Doreen from sent me this award.

It was sent to her by a friend who found her blog to be a blessing.
She in turn passed it on to several blogs that she found helpful.
I am supposed to share it with five other blogs that give light to this world.

I must confess that I only follow Doreen's blog...
though sometimes I surf about by following links from her site..
I do not know any blog but hers to give it to..

I pass it on
to you
as a challenge.
Join with me,
let us try
each day
to make the world
a little better.
To share our blessings...
To be content...
To find and share peace...

I was supposed to finish the sentence below.
I did.
How would you finish the thought?

I am a light and want to illuminate...

I want to share my flashlight when it's dark...
I want to be:
a hand to hold...
a giver of Bandaids and hugs...
a maker of cookies...
a sharer of love...

I want to illuminate my world
to share the good things I have been given...

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