Saturday, July 25, 2009

Looking up....

Between two rock ledges,
cut so many millions of years ago,
I paused.
Walls of green towered above me,
drawing my eyes ever upwards.
I stood in awe.
my family was not silent...
their chatter and comments
did not subtract a thing
from the beauty around me.
When I am outside,
it is easy for me to be positive.
To believe all the good things I've been taught.
As light filters through the trees,
the defused soft beams are a gift
to all who venture into the glow.
"Real life" is not always as comfortable
as my hike in the rain today.
There are things in my past that are hard to let go of,
People in my present that I find difficult to get along with,
situations that are honestly out of my ability to control.
I am sure I am not the only one to feel this way.
Uncertainty and troubles are part of life...
how am I to handle what I fear?
Do I try my best,
ask for help when I need it
and let the rest go?
Or do I let my past,
my present uncertainty
prevent me from enjoying the positive opportunities
that surround me daily?
I tend to be someone who likes to figure things out...
who likes to know where she is going...
I think there are a great many people who feel this way...
I find it hard to "let go" when it is appropriate...
when I do not...
My problems do not go away any faster...
Isn't it funny that I still try to hold on anyway?
I pray that you and I
will be able to live that famous Serenity Prayer...
To find peace,
accept blessings...
use our gifts.

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