Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy in the dark

I put my children to bed
and made myself a cup of coffee.

I smiled as I realized
that I don't really need cream,
it is honestly only sweetener I'm after.

It's funny,
but I don't even know why I started putting cream in my coffee.

I don't know if I needed it at one time
or if I just assumed I did.

It's odd that sometimes
we carry on routines
and don't even know the how
or the why behind them.

While the origin of my coffee add ins may remain a mystery,
my trips to my swing are not.

My swing,
is the place I go to wind down,
to consider my day.

As I sat there tonight
and looked at my piece of the world,
I had to smile.

My son was peaking from his window
and as I peered up at him,
I felt happy.

This evening,
as my family sat watching a movie,

my little son sat beside me.

His looked at me and kissed me.

I asked him if he was my little guy
and he enthusiastically nodded and signed yes.

The entire night he sat
and cuddled,
and giggled
and just generally
wanted my attention.

He's been sleeping a bit better
and today
when his sister beamed him in the head with a plastic fish
and was punished,
he grinned.

He looked at her with such a typical sibling look
it was,
for a moment,
hard to imagine
that he wasn't just a normal pesky brother
happy his sister was reprimanded.

From my swing I watched him,
sitting in the darkness,
letting my mind wander...

above my head there was a streak of light
and for a moment,
just a moment,
I almost thought a shooting star had passed me by.

Then my eyes realized what I'd really seen,
and I smiled
and mused about catching a few of the blinky bugs
that were gracing the evening sky.

Now here I sit,
looking at an Eiffel Tower tattoo on my arm,
a prize for a successful scavenger hunt at the local art museum today.

I realize,
as I think over the things that concern me,
that some of my worries are different today
than they were a year ago
while some remain the same.
More to the point...

I will always have things to consider.

That is just life.

here I sit,
with a tattoo,
a tummy full of coffee,
a yard full of flying starlight
and I know...

yes I KNOW...

I am blessed.

This night,
think with me,
count the wonders that surround you,
just for a moment set down your burdens.

I pray that in the week ahead,
that you and I,
that we,
will be able to keep the calm peace we feel in our personal refuges.

...Better yet,
I pray that we remember that the One
who made those twinkling bitty bugs...

will always love us...

will always walk with us...

He is better than my swing...

You can run to Him when it is raining...
and your seat won't even end up wet!

May you,
be blessed.

This night and forever.

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