Thursday, August 27, 2009

Honest accomplishment

Our morning arrival activities provide my students a chance to greet each day's start with a joyful choice. You can almost see the gears turn in their heads as they consider what center they will choose and who they will play with.

These two guys made me smile early this morning. Working together, they had completed an impressive collection of phonics puzzles and they were proud to pose for a photo they knew would be posted for their parents to see.

I know how they feel. When I do something well, it is nice when someone notices. What a blessing when we share compliments and encouragement with each other. Living within a community creates interdependency. We all need each other! From the bitty ones who offer smiles, to the grandma who bakes outstanding cookies, life is just better when we share it with others.

Now and always, I wish for you a network of loving family and friends. May you find comfort in your place in the universe. You are needed! It is good that you are here! May you be blessed.

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